PTF Releases 2013 Annual Report

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

PTF Releases 2013 Annual Report

Key activities and achievements in 2013 featured, highlighting the incubation of innovative solutions, scale-up of successful approaches, and sharing of lessons learned

The Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) advances innovative citizen-led approaches to improve governance, increase transparency, promote the rule of law and reduce corruption in developing countries.

Throughout 2013, PTF provided support for the incubation phase of innovative good governance initiatives to validate selected ideas, the  scale-up phase to enable the wide-spread replication of successful approaches, and the dissemination of results and lessons learned to advance the global movement against corruption. These activities and their accomplishments are encapsulated in the 2013 Annual Report.

We are also proud to highlight the work of the 45 civil society organizations PTF supported this year as the are the true catalysts for successful citizen-led change in communities suffering from corruption and the abuse of power. Together, our successes prove that citizen-led transparency movements can succeed in improving public accountability.

Click here to read the PTF 2013 Annual Report.



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