CSD-19 Side event: Pre-launch – Decoupling Report of the International Resource Panel
What is all this talk about decoupling? How can it be put into practice? And what opportunities does it offer to developing countries?
Join us on 11 May for a special preview to hear answers from the authors and partners of this report and to learn how the report’s scientific findings can support decision making for a green economy.
18.30 – 19.45
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Conference Room: 2 (NLB)
Refreshments provided
Hosted by
The Republic of South Africa
The Federal Republic of Germany
United Nations Environment Programme
Dorah Nteo, Government of South Africa, Welcome remarks
Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director, Decoupling for a Green Economy
Mark Swilling, Lead author, Presentation of key findings of the report
Ashok Khosla, Co-Chair of the IRP, Decoupling on the road to Rio+20
Questions and answers with audience
Stephan Contius, Government of Germany, Closing remarks
The dilemma of expanding economic activities equitably while attempting to stabilise the rate of resource use and reducing the environmental impacts poses an unprecedented opportunity and challenge to society. In this report, the International Resource Panel has sought to apply the concept of decoupling economic growth and human wellbeing from negative environmental impacts and escalating resource use to address this challenge.
The International Resource Panel (IRP) is a scientific panel of around 30 internationally recognised experts on resource use, which is guided by a Steering Committee of over 20 governments, International Organisations and Civil Society Organisations. It was established to provide decision makers and other interested parties with independent and authoritative policy-relevant scientific assessments on the sustainable use of natural resources and, in particular, on their environmental impacts over their full life cycles.
Participants are also invited to a shared reception in the corridor outside the conference room from 18.00-18.30 on “Life-cycle Returns: Sustainable finance for the chemicals and waste cluster conventions”, hosted by the Government of Switzerland, the Government of Uruguay and UNEP.
Janet Salem
Associate Programme Officer
Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
United Nations Environment Programme
Ph. +33 1 44 377637 Fax. +33 1 44 371474
Skype: Janet.Salem.UNEP
E-mail. Janet.Salem@unep.org
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