Save the Date: Next Positive Money Supporter Conference on Saturday 1st March 2014
We are continuing to build the Positive Money Community, and next March over 200 Positive Money members will gather together for a day of making new friends, sharing experiences and challenges, and learning about where we go next! There’ll be another organic lunch cooked by Hackney Kitchen Growers, and afterwards we’ll go to a local pub to continue the discussions.
Save the Date: Next Positive Money Supporter CONFERENCE in London on Saturday 1st March 2014
We’re still working on plans for the day but workshops will include things like:
Why do we care again? Hear from Andrew Jackson about why we’re sleepwalking into another financial crisis
Whats the plan? Action in your backyard – why local groups are crucial for Positive Money to succeed
How are we gonna do it? So you’ve tried to convince your MP/Business Friend/Economics student friend/Cousin/Baker/Candlestick Maker but they just don’t get it. Let’s share our experience and re-motivate ourselves.
Reply to this email to be added to the priority list, and when booking for the conference opens at the beginning of December, we’ll make sure you’re the first to know.
When and Where again? Saturday 1st March 2014, in Conway Hall, near Holborn, central London.
Ben Dyson, Founder and Director of Positive Money, will explain how the design of our banking system means that our economy depends on people going ever further into debt. He will discuss how a few simple changes to the way that banks work can have profound impacts on a wide range of social and economic problems. The talk from Ben Dyson will be followed by an expert panel discussion Due to the high level of interest in this event, please REGISTER HERE to ensure your spot!