PCI Messenger – Post Carbon Institute Goes to Washington

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Resource Efficiency

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   1. new fellow
2. latest publications
3. resilience picks
4. transition us update
5. events


It may be an exaggeration to say that the nation’s capital was built on a swamp, but being there with temperatures hovering at 90°F (32°C) and humidity at nearly 100%, you can see why that myth has persisted. It doesn’t help that the political climate makes the air feel that much more oppressive.


Speaking of myths, I was in Washington, D.C. last week with PCI Fellow David Hughes and Energy Policy Forum’s Deborah Rogers to help counter the prevailing (and delusional) view that Fracking Will Save America! Much of the debate over drilling for shale gas and tight oil has focused on the environmental and health impacts. These concerns can’t be underestimated, but our work in recent months—with the publication of “Drill, Baby, Drill?” in February and the launch of shalebubble.org, with our partners at Energy Policy Forum and Earthworks—has been focused on the geological and economic realities of fracking… Read more


Asher Miller, PCI Executive Director


And for all the latest from PCI, read on…




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Transition US, the Post Carbon Institute, and Chelsea Green Publishing are partnering to bring you a series of virtual book talks on the Community Resilience Guides, designed to provide community leaders with the tools they need to relocalize and transform our food, financial, and energy systems:

Rebuilding the Foodshed by Philip Ackerman-Leist
Power from the People by Greg Pahl
Local Dollars, Local Sense by Michael Shuman

Join us for our first book talk with Rebuilding the Foodshed author Philip Ackerman-Leist on June 26th at 11am PST/2pm EST. Participants will receive a 35% discount on the book from Chelsea Green.Read an excerpt from Rebuilding the Foodshed here.


new fellow

This month PCI welcomes a new Fellow.

<strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>Janelle Orsi</strong> headshot” src=”http://postcarbon.org/bios/Orsi_headshot-80.jpg” width=”80″ height=”80″ align=”left” border=”0″ /></a></p>
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Janelle Orsi
Janelle Orsi is the Executive Director of the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC), which facilitates the growth of more sustainable and localized economies through education, research, and advocacy to support practices such as barter… Read more



<strong class='StrictlyAutoTagBold'>Share Spray</strong> video” src=”http://postcarbon.org/Newsletters/2013/2013-05/share-spray.PNG” width=”143″ height=”80″ align=”left” border=”0″ /></a></p>
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Share Spray: A New Way To Do Everything
A video from the Center for a New American Dream and Janelle Orsi (co-author of The Sharing Solution). In this short animation, a woman gets a surprise visit from her Sharey Godmother (yes, they exist!), who hands her a can of… Share Spray…. Watch

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latest publications

Readwatch or listen to the latest content by our Fellows, Board, Authors, Advisers and Staff anytime on our website. Here are some selections from the last month:

Perrenial grass

The Serious Challenge of Our Time
Article by Wes Jackson • May 31, 2013
This is the text of Wes Jackson’s Commencement Address at University of Kansas, from Sunday, May 19, 2013. Chancellor Gray-Little, faculty, fellow honorees, members of the board of regents… Read more



Bill McKibben

This American Life: Hot in my backyard
Audio segment featuring Bill McKibben • May 17, 2013
Host Ira Glass tells the story of writer turned activist Bill McKibben. McKibben is trying to reinvent progressive politics when it come to climate change… Listen



Snake Oil block

Snake Oil: How Big Energy’s Misleading Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future
Interview with Richard Heinberg • May 21, 2013
Richard Heinberg gave this interview in May 2013 as part of the Spring of Sustainability Teleseminar Series… Listen



Rotting vegetables

So Much Wasted Energy – Rethinking food waste
Post by Philip Ackerman-Leist • May 20, 2013
Regardless of terminology, one point is writ clear: the most technologically and economically advanced cultures in the world have the highest rates of food waste on the planet… Read more



Storm road

Governance in the Long Emergency
Post by David Orr • May 15, 2013
We have entered a “long emergency” in which a myriad of worsening ecological, social, and economic problems and dilemmas at different geographic and temporal scales are converging as a crisis of crises… Read more

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resilience picks

Resilience.org supports you in building community resilience by bringing you the latest news, thinking, tools, best practice and connections. Keep an eye on our ARTICLESRESOURCES, and GROUPS sections. See below for some recent highlights.

news and ideas


Community garden

Lost in Transition
by Nathan Baranowski, Iva Carrdus, Vala Publishing 
This is a story about Transition Bath, from the eyes of two Transitioners — Nathan and Iva — as they become lost in Transition: moved, inspired and empowered by the achievements and possibilities, but also confused and challenged… Read more



Solar panels

Rooftop Revolution: How Solar Energy Is Putting Power Back in the Hands of the People
by Heeten Kalan, Alternet
Rarely do we switch on an appliance or flick on the lights and consider the source of energy. Yet, in the past few years, we have become more conscious… Read more


practical resources


Guide cover

GUIDE: Designing a Resilient Community
Center for Ecoliteracy
Students participate in project-based learning over several days as they assess their community’s ability to respond to crises that threaten both natural and human systems. .. Find out more



Time bank

VIDEO: Time Trade Circle
by Center for a New American Dream
What if you joined a bank where you deposited hours, instead of money? Time banks are a way to bring people together to share their time and talents while building community. .. Watch

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transition US update

A monthly update from the US national hub of the international Transition movement.

Grow AmherstDuring the month of May, Transitioners across the country registered almost 6,500 actions as part of the Transition Challenge. Check out our Stories Roundup for a taste of some of these inspiring projects.

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View our events calendar

TedX logoRichard Heinberg at TEDxSonomaCounty
June 15, 2013, Santa Rosa, CA
Post Carbon Senior Fellow 
Richard Heinberg is to be one of the speakers at the TEDxSonomaCounty event.
Further information



Local Dollars, Local Sense coverVOIS Presents “Local Dollars, Local Sense” Building a New Economy in Oregon
June 18, 2013, Portland, OR
Join VOIS and its partners at a special event on June 18th in honor of National Small Business Week. This community event will feature a keynote address and Q&A session with Post Carbon Fellow 
Michael Shuman …
Further information

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