Ombudspersons for Future Generations: Sign our Online Petition

kristyGlobal Citizen

Dear friends of the WFC,


Viewed from space, the earth is a blue planet. Over 70 per cent of the planet is covered in oceans and major seas. They contain unique ecosystems such as coral reefs and harbour impressive variety and beauty. However, oceans and coasts are among the most threatened ecosystems in the world through overfishing, acidification and pollution.

Now is the time to act and save our blue planet. For this reason, the World Future Council?s Future Policy Award 2012 will celebrate the world?s best policies for oceans and coasts. But before we can say: ?And the winner is?? patience needs to be exerted . The winning policies will be announced at the United Nations Headquarters in September 2012 and the awards ceremony will be held in October at the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Hyderabad, India.

With best regards from Hamburg,

Alexandra Wandel,
WFC Management Board


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Ombudspersons for Future Generations: Sign our Online Petition

Future generations do not have a voice in current political decision-making. We want to change this. Our campaign ?Ombudspersons for Future Generations? is promoting the implementation of the institution of Ombudspersons at international, national and local levels, ensuring legislative power to protect the rights of generations not yet born.

The UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) held in Rio de Janeiro in June this year is the ideal platform for our call for Ombudspersons at all political levels. One of the main themes of the conference is to improve the institutional framework for sustainable development.

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