Occupy and Reclaim

kristyGlobal Citizen

Americans are taking to the streets and standing up to corporate greed and injustice.

It’s an inspiring moment. The Occupy Wall Street movement is spreading, and with it our message of undoing the Supreme Court’s ruling that enormous corporations can spend as much money as they want to drown out the voices of real people in our democracy.

We stand in solidarity with these activists, and we want to work with you to find ways to help add your voice.

There are now more than 100 “Occupy” protests occurring across the nation. Here are two ways you can help us build upon this amazing energy:

1.) Host a house party on November 9 to plan for a National Day of Action on the two-year anniversary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.

Follow this link to let us know you’re interested in hosting a house party.

Progressive champion Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will be speaking to the house parties about the importance of our campaign. Also, our friends at People For the American Way and Move to Amend have joined our house party efforts. Dozens of house parties are already in the works, and it’s not too late to sign up to host.

2.) Reach out to your local “Occupy” group and others to make sure they know about the National Day of Action on January 21.

January 21, 2012, is the two-year anniversary of the Citizens United ruling. We’re working with a panoply of progressive organizations and activists to make this day into a national day of protest, but we need your help to make sure it has an impact in your town.

Follow this link for printer-friendly flyers about January 21 and other resources for people who are taking action in their communities.

Together, we will build a movement with the power to pass a constitutional amendment overturning the Citizens United ruling. Together, we will change the course of history.

Thanks for all you do,

Mark Hays, Aquene Freechild and Jonah Minkoff-Zern
Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People team


P.S. Read Public Citizen’s statement of solidarity with Occupy Wall Street.