AgTec Innovations, a U.S. company based in Los Altos, CA, has a new-to-market, patented Smart Micronutrient formula which sounds nearly too good to be true! It is: environmentally friendly, a slow-release agent that does not leech from the soil, requires very low dosages, saves money for farmers and distributors, and increases crop yields from 10-30%, based on type of crop. After successful field trials in India and the US, Ag Tec has secured partners to manufacture and sell the product in both countries.
AgTec turned to Hamlin Harkins, Ltd. for help to bring the product to the Asian basin. Together, we are working on a business development initiative, meeting the requirements for field trials and approval for licensing and selection of a manufacturing partner.
For this, we strategically turned to Viet Nam. The country has a major government initiative to support the introduction and use of innovative agricultural products.
“It is the right time and market to bring this exciting product to the Asian basin” notes Donna Hamlin, Hamlin Harkins, Ltd.’s CEO. We are thrilled to help Ag Tec to bring the product to market and help feed a hungry world!”
For more information about AgTec, see your company wants effective strategies and support to enter new markets, contact us for help!
Building Teams with High E-Q
Discussions about emotional intelligence –or emotional IQ – are bubbling up in conversation at work, in coaching and in group dynamics. Within management circles, the idea that a leader of people ought to demonstrate a high emotional is an important new standard in what we seek in those who manage other adults at work.
In candidate assessment and professional development, we screen and coach for this consistently. While – in general – we may understand the concept of emotional maturity, it is often more easy to detect when it is NOT present.
Here are some signs that suggest emotional maturity may cause issues in the workplace:
Taking no responsibility for what happens. If a person consistently plays “victim” about events and is unable to reflect on what he or she did to contribute to the result, it’s a red light. Accountability is the sign of the opposite: mature people consider what they did – and might have done otherwise – for the result at hand. They take responsibility for their actions and results.
An emotionally immature person steers conversations to ensure he or she is the center of the topic. Immature people also interpret discussions about issues through a “personal filter” that makes the issue about them. They have difficulty separating issues from their ego or personal reactions to topics.
Talk more than listen. Authentic listening requires one to learn about the views and thoughts of others. As a result, people deepen their understanding, empathy and compassion. An immature person does not take time to do this. As a result, such people cannot deepen their emotional awareness nor develop skills to manage others well.
Quick to anger or blow a fuse. Emotionally immature people react impatiently, throw a tantrum, swear, act out or get belligerent when things don’t go the way they want or expect. They do not manage frustration about life’s realities well, nor manage easily unexpected transitions in processes or routines. Rather than draw on inner tolerance or belief in oneself to manage change, the emotionally immature person has a melt-down. An emotionally mature person takes an inner look, reflects, considers creative options to come to the best outcome and decides what action will most likely bring that about.
Makes thinking errors. Many of the behaviors of the emotionally immature come from flaws in their logic. They often misinterpret social cues, jump to conclusions which are not well thought through or get stuck by beliefs about themselves and others that make it difficult for them to see their own error in thinking. It’s a form of mental stubbornness. Emotionally mature people open up to others for suggestions and reasoning and consider how this input might alter their perspective on the topic.
It’s common to see these behaviors in children, to which we can say “time is on their side.” It becomes less easy to be patient with these behaviors when an adult does them. It is simple to disparage such a person by saying “that’s juvenile” or “she’s high maintenance” behind his or her back. Consider this: it takes emotional maturity to sit down with such a person and candidly suggest, instead, personal counseling or coaching. It can change a life — and a team’s morale and overall performance – to show someone cares.
For quality candidate assessment and professional coaching solutions, call us!