EurObserv?ER has released the European Solar Photovoltaic Barometer,
which is available for free download at:
(PDF, English/French language, 22 pages, 2.4 MB)
Key data for the year 2010:
– Photovoltaic capacity installed in EU-27 at the end of 2010: 29.3 GW
– 13.0 GW of photovoltaic capacity installed in EU at the end of 2010
– Market growth +120% (EU-27 capacity installed in 2010 compared to 2009)
– 22.5 TWh photovoltaic electricity produced in EU-27 in 2010
For the first time, Europe?s photovoltaic sector installed more new
capacity than any other renewable electricity source over the year.
EurObserv?ER estimates that 13023 MWp of photovoltaic modules were
connected to the grid in the European Union, which is a 120%
year-on-year rise (from 5918 MWp in 2009). These new plants raise the
European Union?s photovoltaic capacity to 29328 MWp (see tables 1 and 2
in the Barometer).
Europe continued to lead photovoltaic plant installation with over 80%
of global installed capacity, ahead of the other major markets which
built up capacity in 2010. Japan installed just under one GW in 2010
(483 MWp in 2009). The United States are expected to have added about
800 MWp in 2010 (against 473 MWp in 2009). For China at least 400 MWp
new capacity is expected in 2010 (compared to about 160 MWp in 2009).
ENGLISH – Read more in the press release:
DEUTSCH – Lesen Sie weiter in der deutschen Pressemitteilung unter:
ESPANOL – Si desea más información, consulte la nota de prensa en
español en:
FRANCAIS – Plus d’informations dans le communiqué de presse:
See also the EurObserv?ER policy files at with renewable energy policies in all 27
EU Member States for all technologies.
EurObserv’ER offers to subscribe for an e-mail notification at, by which you’ll receive a short e-mail
message at the release of a new Barometer.
The next EurObserv?ER release is expected in June 2011 and will regard
solar thermal energy.
About the EurObserv?ER Barometer
Targeting the press and the interested general public, the EurObserv?ER
consortium releases ?Technology Barometers? every other month. The
barometers focus on the latest state of renewable energies (solar
energy, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy and bioenergy) in EU
member states.