Dear Hazel,
Since 2009 you and others in the New Economy Network have sought to build a movement for systemic change. This year has been an important one for our network. We’ve transitioned staff and leadership, with younger leaders thriving in both Executive Committee and staff roles, and dedicated ourselves to strategically growing the impact and scale of New Economy work. We’ve sought new alliances and partnerships and designed programs we hope will fully bloom in the New Year. We have continued to place our shared ideals and values at the forefront, in service of Network members and with an eye toward amplifying New Economy work and building a fully developed grassroots movement.
Today, we are thrilled to announce a development that will move that vision forward. In the spirit of innovation and democratic collaboration, the New Economy Network is merging with the New Economics Institute (NEI). As two organizations with similar goals, strategies, and stakeholders, we have realized that we can be stronger if we work together. By combining our efforts, we will not only strengthen existing initiatives, but also create a foundation to build power across sectors for greater political and economic impact.
Together, we will form the New Economy Coalition, an organization committed to building a nation-wide, grassroots movement for a just and sustainable economy. We firmly believe this is the next step for creating a New Economy movement – and we invite you to join us.
The New Economy Coalition will continue to prioritize the values of the New Economy Network. Our mission will be sharply focused on building the power necessary to bring the New Economy into being. Cheyenna Weber, the Interim Director of NEN, will become Director of Coalition Organizing and Campaigns, and Bob Massie, the President of NEI, will continue as President of the new organization. We are excited that NEN Executive Committee members Atlee McFellin, Sarah Stranahan, and Keith Harrington–in addition to NEI and NEN board member Gus Speth–will join the New Economics Institute board as it transitions to the New Economy Coalition.
In the meantime, the work continues. Later this month the New Economics Institute will award eight grants to student groups on colleges and universities across North America as part of the Campus Network Program. Their efforts will culminate in a New Economy Coalition national convergence this summer, drawing together students, solidarity economy groups and New Economy leaders. Throughout the coming year, we will work to provide space to discuss shared agenda and possible campaigns for the emerging Coalition—through focused conversations, events, and opportunities for collective action.
So many people in our communities are struggling to survive and to thrive in times of crisis. As we face the effects of climate change, identity-based oppression, failed fiscal policy and unprecedented corporate power, your work—and the work of the other leaders in the New Economy movement—is more valuable every day.
Thank you for all you have done to build our Network and advance the vision for an economic system that puts people and the planet before profit.
If you have any questions at all about these changes, or you would like to be more directly involved in shaping the Coalition, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We’re so excited about this new direction and look forward to working with you as a Coalition member.
Thanks for all you do,
Cheyenna Weber, Interim Director–New Economy Network
Asher Miller, Atlee McFellin (Co-Chair), David Brodwin, Gus Speth, John Cavanagh, Keith Harrington, Sarah Stranahan (Co-Chair)–New Economy Network Executive Committee