In 2014, ASBC commissioned scientific polling of 555 small business owners nationwide. A poll report just released with Business for a Fair Minimum Wage showed that a clear majority – 61 percent – of small business owners support an increase in the minimum wage, to $10.10 an hour.
The climate and energy poll, released on June 24th, revealed that small business owners are concerned about the effects of climate change on their businesses, and want government to address climate change.
Please help to spread the word on these polls through social media. Use the sample tweets below, or follow us @ASBCouncil and @MinimumWageBiz and re-tweet our messaging around the report.
61% of #smallbiz owners want #minimumwage at $10.10/hour – read the full @ASBCouncil @MinimumWageBiz poll:
3 of 5 #smallbiz owners says #RaiseTheWage to $10.10/hour, new @ASBCouncil @MinimumWageBiz poll finds:
ACTION: Sign our campaign calling for a minimum wage increase.