Monitoring Progress on Energy and Ecodevelopment

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

Workshop with Benin, Togo and Mali Teams 
Undertaken by HELIO with the support of CDKN, the EERA project (Energy, Ecodevelopment and Resilience in Africa) is on track! The first workshop was held in Cotonou (Benin) from the 11th to 14th of June with teams from Benin, Mali and Togo (14 participants). Three HELIO representatives (Maryse Labriet, Christine Fiebig, Michel Labrousse) carried out a presentation on the calculation of the TIPEE indicators and discussions with members of the national teams. These indicators quantify the adequacy of energy policies and its contribution to the ecodevelopment criteria. National experts will calculate or update the TIPEE indicators for their respective countries by the end of 2013. One day was devoted to support the Togo team in the design of a soft energy path (SEP-VEDA) constructed upon the SEP-VEDA manual prepared by HELIO experts. A concrete plan of action and energy programs promoting sustainable and resilient access to energy services will be designed, these programs benefit from the measures of “carbon finance” (CDM and NAMAs).

Energy Transition in France
The European Climate Foundationconducted a large national survey on the current debate on the Energy Transtion in France. This studyreveals a large public and corporate support for an Energy Transition.

Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map
The International Energy Agencypresented in its new report 4 proposed measures to keep the global temperature increase under 2°C : investing in energy efficiency, stopping inefficient coal power plant production, reducing methane emissions from hydrocarbon production and removing fossil fuel subsidies. The IEA warns governments that only 5 years remain to make a decisive change in their energy systems, and highlighted these actions to have economic benefits and are compatible with economic growth.

Europe’s climate action
A new step for Europe’s climateaction is a new paper commissioned by Greenpeace and prepared byEcofys. It presents key findings for EU policy makers on 2030 targets to limit a global temperature increase under 2°C. This includes a package of measures including reduction of GHG by 55%, a target for renewables of 45% and a target for energy savings.

EU anti-dumping duties
In August 2013, The European Commission will set anti-dumping duties of 47.6% on the import of Chinese solar panels, cells and wafers in the effort to protect European Industry, despite widespread opposition from many EU member states. Read more on therenewable energy magazine.

Renewable Energy

The Renewable 2013 Global Status Report of REN21 and the Global trends in Renewable Energy Investments 2013 of the Frankfurt School – PNUE/BNEF are now available online. It reveals a high increase in the demand for renewable energy and attributes the successful integration of the growing share of renewables in the energy mix to appropriate and well-constructed policies. However, the overall investment in renewables decreased in 2012 due to a lower price for solar and a weak American and European market. Detailed information by country are available onREN 21’s Renewables interactive map.