A newsletter from NCSE Quarterly
With climate regulations front and center in the 112th US Congress, NCSE wishes to update you on our latest projects and events related to carbon, climate change, and the impacts on our ocean.
This is the first in a series of updates on NCSE initiatives in 2011.
Education for a Low Carbon Future
NCSE is pleased to announce the release of our new Climate Change Education Modules. Using NASA data, 8 modules have been developed for use in general education courses on climate change that colleges and universities across the country can readily adopt and adapt.
The modules were developed as part of the Climate Change Education Initiative spearheaded by NCSE’s Council of Environmental Deans and Directors, and funded by a NASA Global Climate Change Education grant.
Contact Andy Jorgensen at andy.jorgensen@utoledo.edu for more details.
Modules are available on the Encyclopedia of Earth at: www.eoearth.org
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