Hello ,
Where will solar PV applications go next? What are the benefits of the various different models for solar PV development in emerging markets? How can innovation play a role in accelerating the adoption of the technology and the evolution of business models?
These questions will be discussed in our conference. As a build-up to that, we have released a complimentary report on evolving business models that rise to the challenge of providing clean and affordable energy in emerging markets.
Report – Evolving Business Models in Emerging Markets
This complimentary paper provides an overview of the evolution of business models in emerging markets. It highlights and analyzes eight innovative companies and business cases set in developing solar markets, including company profile, focus of their businesses, their future outlooks and the different ways that innovative business models can be combined with solar energy
This report was published as a prelude to the Making Solar Bankable conference and networking platform, which will take place on 15 and 16 February 2018 in Amsterdam. More than 500 project development & finance executives from 40+ different countries will come together in order to accelerate the sustainable energy transition around the globe. Register now – Early Bird discount expires on 22 December!
If you’d like to discuss your possible involvement in the conference, please contact Adriaan or Corine. Exhibition spaces are filling up fast – get in touch with Maria to discuss options for involvement as a sponsor or partner of the conference:
Adriaan van Loon, Project Manager Solarplaza
tel. +31 10 302 7915 | adriaan@solarplaza.com
Maria Fennis, Account Manager Solarplaza
tel. +31 10 302 7911 | maria@solarplaza.com
Corine Franken, Investment Officer FMO
tel. +31 70 314 9849 | C.Franken@fmo.nl