Dear Friends,
We’re gearing up for a very exciting week here at St Paul’s, with over 1,600+ people now registered for our Women in Leadership: What Needs to Change? event on Wednesday 16th July at 7pm. If you haven’t done so already, make sure to register your (free) ticket and join us for this energising evening –
Alongside the event itself we have launched a social media campaign and would love as many of our friends as possible to get involved and have your say on this important and timely issue. Click this link for more details on the ‘I Will / I Won’t’ #womenleaders campaign, and if you could take a photo expressing the action you will take and post it to your peers online that would help us build the momentum needed to push this issue to those who need to hear it. There’s a great photo of our Dean & Chapter who launched the campaign yesterday.
Finally, we have three new articles and a recent event video for you on our website:
First Impressions – Barbara Ridpath, Director of St Paul’s Institute
The Language of Reformed Capitalism – Robert Gordon, Manager of St Paul’s Institute
Women in Leadership: What Needs to Change? (Q&A Response) – Hilary Cotton, Chair of WATCH (Women and the Church)
[ Video] Mammon’s Kingdom: Money, Greed and Selfishness
Thank you all for your continued support of our work. I look forward to seeing many of you at the big event next week!
All the best and kind regards,
Robert Gordon
Manager of St Paul’s Institute