Invitation: Free August Webinars on ‘Bonds & Climate Change: The State of the Market in 2014’. August 12th / 20th / 28th. Times for North America, EU, Gulf, Asia/Australia time zones.

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

Invitation: Free August Webinars on ‘Bonds & Climate Change: The State of the Market in 2014’. August 12th / 20th / 28th. Times for North America, EU, Gulf, Asia/Australia time zones.

Join us for a presentation and discussion of our Bonds & Climate Change : the State of the Market 2013 report, commissioned by HSBC. Download the report here.

Asia/Australia – 12 August: Sydney 5pm / Tokyo 4pm / Beijing/HongKong 3pm / Delhi 12:30pm / Dubai 11am / Joh’burg 9am / London 8am
Americas – 20 August: SanFrancisco 9am / Denver 10 am / MexicoCity/Chicago 11 am / NewYork/Toronto 12pm / SaoPaulo 1pm / London 5pm / Paris 6pm
Atlantic to Gulf – 28 August:  New York 9am / London 2pm / Paris 3pm / Berlin 3pm / Joh’burg 3pm / Dubai 5pm

The webinar will include a discussion with Sean Kidney and Bridget Boulle from CBI on hurdles and future potential.

Register now! RVSP (link sends e-mail)
The webinar is free.

Key report findings:

  • The total universe of bonds linked to key climate changes solutions stands at USD502.6bn, compared to last year’s estimate of USD346bn
  • $35.8bn of the universe is made up of labelled Green Bonds issued by corporations and development banks
  • $236.8bn (47% of total) meets index filters around size, rating and currencies
  • Low carbon transport, notably rail accounts for 71% of the total, followed by clean energy (15$) and climate finance (10%).

We’re also holding a San Francisco Roundtable AM 17 September – let us know if you’d like to attend: (link sends e-mail).