This publication was produced by Mercado Ético (Ethical Markets in Brazil) with support from the UNDP International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) based on the findings and recommendations of the International Workshop on Investigative Journalism: A South-South Dialogue. This event was organized by the Embassy of Switzerland in Brasilia, the Attorney’s General Office (PGR), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, IPC-IG and Mercado Ético.
Journalists, experts, researchers and public intellectuals from South Africa, Brazil, India, Mexico, Switzerland and Qatar, as well as UN representatives and civil society activists participated in the debate around issues of common interest in promoting investigative journalism. The workshop represented an opportunity for a critical and constructive analysis of the governance structures necessary to ensure freedom of expression and guarantee the legal protection of journalists doing investigative work. The event advocated for an enhanced role and greater responsibility of investigative journalism in the society and discussed practical measures and policy interventions needed to strengthen its contribution to human development.
This report seeks to bring the audience a reflection on key questions and recommendations discussed during the workshop. It provides insights to an agenda of cooperation between the various participating countries and the United Nations for the improvement of investigative journalism and its contributions to the welfare of our peoples.