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Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

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CECP’s Global Exchange Launches Initiative Seeking to Uncover Trends in Corporate Social Investments Around the World

NEW YORK, February 13, 2019 /3BL Media/ – To build on the growing body of global corporate social investment research, CECP: The CEO Force for Good announced the launch of a multinational inquiry into shared themes and trends in corporate social investments around the world. CECP’s Global Exchange seeks to unite country-based, mission-driven corporate social investment o…


Are B Corps the Future of Business OR Just Another “Elite Charade for Changing the World”?

Having just read the book Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World by former New York Times columnist, Anand Giridharadas, and mostly agreeing with it, I thought that it would be interesting to read a critique by Jay Coen Gilbert, the co founder of the movement for Certified B Corporations, which happened to fall into the crosshairs of Giridharadas’ criticism. …


Millennials and Money: Insights From an Often Overlooked Community

Millennials are receiving quite the attention from the media. We are often characterized as lazy and entitled. What I find to be true is that our generation has little trust in large institutions — from governmental offices to our large banks and financial institutions. We are steeped in our values and want our money aligned with our desires for a more sustainable planet. We are poised…


O holy funds

His Holiness Pope Francis Faithful followers: 1.2 billion Catholics Fund management body: Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican Bank Mandate: To serve the global mission of the Catholic Church through the administration of the entrusted assets and providing payment services to the Holy See and related entities. The celebration of human life, creation, and human…


Fourth in a Series: The Food Industry GRI and SASB In Focus – Perspectives on Alignments and Differences

By Jessica Caron –  G&A Sustainability Report Analyst Intern A comparison of the SASB Meat, Poultry & Dairy Standard — which is designed for use by companies involved in the raising, slaughtering, processing and packaging of animal food product — to the GRI Standards must start with the observation that the GRI Standards are general and not industry-specific, asking abo…


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