We want to share with you the Introductory Clause of the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative Declaration Statement that was launched at the IWECI Summit this last month:
“We are the mothers and the grandmothers, sisters and daughters, nieces and aunts, who stand together to care for all generations across our professions, affiliations and national identities.
We are teachers and scientists, farmers and fishers, healers and helpers, workers and business peoples, writers and artists, decision-makers and activists, leaders and thinkers. We work in the halls of power, the halls of faith and the halls of our homes.
We are gathering to raise our voices to advocate for an Earth-respecting cultural narrative, one of “restore, respect, replenish” and to replace the narrative of “domination, depletion and destruction” of nature.
We are committed to a transition from a future of peril to a future of promise, to rally the women around the world to join together in action at all levels until the climate crisis is solved.”
Please see full Statement
Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative Declaration Statement
We want to thank you for your support of the International Women’s Earth and Climate Summit in New York last month when women leaders from the Global South and Global North convened and shared knowledge, strategic planning, stories and visions, and signed the IWECI Declaration Statement and drafted the Women’s Climate Action Agenda. The IWECI staff would like to thank all of the Delegates, Vision-hub Observers, Guests, Staff and Volunteers whose expertise, wisdom, sharing and dedication made the conference agenda successful, productive and enjoyable.
For those of you who missed the live stream of the event, please enjoy viewing the Summit via YouTube and see links to all the great media coverage we received ( thanks to Celia Alario!)
For certain, this is the time for a collaborative women’s climate action movement! We are headed toward a potential 4 degrees C (7.2 degrees F) rise in global temperature over the next decades that will create unprecedented havoc for our children, grandchildren and future generations. Women are no longer willing to stand by when so much is at stake. International commitments and national responses of governments to runaway climate change and the root causes of the crisis have not been equivalent to the escalating urgency of the situation. The International Women’s Earth and Climate Summit is not a one-time event, but rather the beginning of long-term campaigns and projectsto coordinate our voices for the Earth and Future Generations. |
Please participate in the following ways 1) Please sign the Summit Declaration Statementand share with your networks. 2) Would you like to meet the delegates? Click hereto view IWECI’s profiles of leading women figures and activists, such as Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Naomi Klein, Christiana Figures,Casey Camp-Horenik, Marina Silva and many more! |
3) Next Steps: We are in the process of editing the Women’s Climate Action Agenda. We will alert you when we launch this powerful and detailed Agenda.
4) The Momentum Continues: We will be in Poland at the next United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 19th Conference of the Parties in November to advocate for climate justice and further strategizing with our international colleagues about IWECI next steps.
5) Day of Action: Women and Climate Justice. There is enthusiasm building with allied women’s organizations to have a day of action on February 14th in collaboration with Eve Ensler’s 1 Billion Rising. The overall theme for this day of action is Justice. IWECI has been invited to head up the action on Women and Climate Justice. We want to continue to express urgency and the need to act now. Please let us know if you and your organization would be interested in this day of action on February 14th.
6) We will keep you all posted as IWECI charts a course for 2014 with a focus on on-the-ground projects and policy issues. Additionally, Resilient Community Trainings will continue through WECC and IWECI in 2014.
7) Please continue to share your ideas on our Online Solutions Forum.
8) We appreciate your support of our ongoing work, donate here!
Thank you for your support of our work for Climate Justice and care for the Earth and Future Generations,
The IWECI and WECC Team