Growing Green and Decent Jobs
This is the third in a series of messages we will be sending to keep you up to date on the plans we have put together for the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20, as well as our own associated event – The Trade Union Assembly on Labour and Environment (11-13 June).
Unions are represented at the negotiations in New York, 23 April – 4 May. Our next newsletter will come to you after that with an update.
In order to receive updates, please register to our newsletter here.
Don’t know what Rio+20 is? read more
How investments in the green economy of 12 countries and seven industries can create 48 million jobs
This is a summary of the ITUC report ‘Growing Green and Decent Jobs’, which demonstrates how investments in the green economy can generate new employment that contributes to poverty alleviation and social progress.
The economic analysis by the Millennium Institute as well as country case studies from Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Brazil, Dominican Republic, USA, South Africa, Ghana, Tunisia, Indonesia, Nepal, Australia are available at the ITUC website
Read the ITUC report
Trade Union Assembly in Rio de Janeiro 11-13 June: Have you registered???
For the trade union movement, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) is an event of paramount importance. With the aim of making the voice of trade union organizations heard, the International Trade Union Confederation and Sustainlabour are organizing the Second Trade Union Assembly on Labour and Environment on June 11, 12, and 13 in Rio de Janeiro. Are you going to Rio? You need to register and choose your working group!
The official website for the Assembly
For the UN Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development please register here
If you can’t go to Rio+20 you can join the virtual conversations (on 10 different themes): Join the Civil Society Dialogues online
Do you accept Sharan Burrow’s challenges? ACT NOW!!
Sharan Burrow, the General Secretary of the ITUC, has made two pledges for the coming year
The Earth Hour is a simple idea that’s quickly turned into a global phenomenon. Hundreds of millions of people turning off their lights for one hour, on the same night, all across the planet. But it’s not to save an hour’s electricity. It’s something much bigger. The Earth Hour is about people coming together to put the focus on this brilliant world we all share – and how we need to protect it. Not just for an hour a year, but every day. Read more about the ITUC work on the Earth Hour.
Are you prepared to accept Sharan’s challenges? If so please click here, choose the pledge you want to accept and make a comment that you are accepting the challenge!
Funding appeal to support unionists to go to Rio
The ITUC is trying to make the union presence in Rio a truly global representation of the union movement. We are coordinating the sponsorship of unionists and need additional funding support. We ask those unions who can, to commit to funding unionists from countries who cannot pay. We can provide detailed budgets for those who are interested. For those who would be in Rio for the Trade Union Assembly, the UN Pre-Comm, the Civil Society Days, for 10 days, our estimates are for some Euro 3200-3500 per person. If you can commit funds for unionists to participate in Rio+20, or want more budget information, please send an email to: