GreenMoney Celebrates 20 Years of Sustainable Business and Investing

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

Congratulations to GreenMoney on 20 years covering sustainable business and investing and for visualizing a great 20 years of sustainable investing to come.  Thank you for including our “Statement on Transforming Finance Based on Ethics and Life’s Principles” in your 20th Anniversary Edition.  ~Ethical Markets Editor

In celebration of GreenMoney Journal’s 20th Anniversary Year, the flagship website – – has been upgraded and redesigned with innovative future possibilities with articles on “The Next 20 Years of Sustainable Business and Investing.”  Experienced leaders in sustainability write of a future both daunting and inviting, facing powerful challenges, from economic to personal to environmental.


Featured articles include:

•  The Next 20 Years of Impact Investing: Investing for a financial and social return for 100% of the economy
By Lisa Hall, president & CEO, Calvert Foundation

•  From Growth Capitalism to Sustainable Capitalism: The Next 20 Years of Sustainable Investing
By Joe Keefe, president & CEO, Pax World Management

•  Looking Forward – Relevance Achieved
By Amy Domini, founder, Domini Social Investments

•  The Next 20 Years of Sustainable Business
By Aron Cramer, president & CEO, BSR (Business for Social Responsibility)

•  The Future of Clean Energy
By Doug Arent, executive director of the Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory