G20 Communiqué Hits Some Priorities, Misses Others
June 21, 2012
By Nick Mathiason
Nick Mathiason is the Assistant Communications Director of the Task Force, and also works as a business correspondent at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. He was previously Business Correspondent at the Guardian and Observer newspapers for 10 years.
flickr / Gobierno Federal
Most attention at this week’s G20 summit focused on the euro crisis and the perilous state of the global economy. But the G20’s final communiqué and background papers indicate that financial transparency is integral to its high-level agenda.
The communiqué from Mexico highlighted 13 jurisdictions that have failed to meet the required standards of tax information exchange.
More significantly, world leaders gathered at the Los Cabos beach resort “expected” the Global Forum, an organisation composed of 108 countries overseen by the OECD designed to ensure international co-operation on tax matters, “to quickly start examining the effectiveness of information exchange practices.”