“Ethical Markets is a supporter of this innovative global initiative for a Fossil Fuel non-Proliferation Treaty, and we concur with all the well-researched reports cited, including that of climate scientist Michael Mann. Please join us!
~Hazel Henderson, Editor“
We have now had over 1,900 scientists, academics and researchers sign our open letter calling for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty – including a number of very prominent scientists from around.
We will be launching and delivering the letter next week on Monday, Sept 13th on the eve of the UN General Assembly.
We would appreciate any help with a final push to try to reach 2,000 signatures. Academics can sign on over the coming 3 days at www.fossilfueltreaty.org/open-letter
For next week’s launch, our team has also prepared a Comms Pack here (content in English, French and Spanish) which includes a Press Release, talking points, social media content, and graphics – these will be updated with final figures on # signatories over the weekend.
Similar to our Nobel Laureate letter earlier this year, we would appreciate any help pitching to media in your region or helping create a stir on social media about the need for a Treaty to phase out fossil fuels around the UNGA.