*FAIRR in Dialogue: Our Team in Action

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Reforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News, Latest Headlines

This month, we look forward to participating in lively and topical discussions around key developments in the ESG investment space. The events will cover issues such as climate change, food tech, biodiversity loss and sustainability within the global food sector.

Speaking alongside other finance and investment professionals, members of the FAIRR team will be on hand to introduce and elaborate upon some of the latest findings from our proprietary research and engagements. To reserve your place at any of these events, make sure to register via the links below.


Tuesday, 2 March 2021   |   12:25 (GMT) / 13:25 (CET)Our

Research & Engagement Manager, Faazi Adam, joins Lara Barazi-Yeroulanos, President of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers, Abdellah Srour, Executive Secretary of the UN FAO, and Christian Lim, Founding Partner of Blue Ocean Partners, for this exciting thought-leadership event where they will discuss the most pressing issues surrounding sustainable development in the maritime and aquaculture sector.

Register Now!

TRUFFLE CONFERENCE: THE GLOBAL BALANCING ACTTuesday, 9 March 2021   |   12:00 (GMT) / 13:00 (CET)Our Senior Manager, Investor Outreach, Teni Ekundare, joins Dr Leon Schumacher, Professor of Food & Natural Resources at the University of Missouri, and Sylvia Wisniwski, Managing Director of Finance in Motion, for a panel on Food and Resources at this year’s Truffle Conference. The session will explore the growing demands of global agricultural and consumption habits and how this can be managed sustainably.

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NET ZERO FINANCE: THE TWIN CRISESTuesday, 16 March 2021   |   12:30 (GMT) / 13:30 (CET)Our Executive Director, Maria Lettini, joins Helen Avery, Head of the Nature Programme at the Green Finance Institute, Reto Schnarwiler, Head of Group Sustainability at Swiss Re, and Ray Dhirani, Head of Sustainable Finance and Green Economy at the WWF, for a panel discussing the twin crises posed by biodiversity loss and climate change. This session will highlight the dangers ahead and give practical guidance on the key areas to de-risk.

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NEW FOOD INVESTThursday, 18 March 2021   |   17:00 (GMT) / 12:00 (EST) / 18:00 (CET)Join our Senior Manager, Research & Engagements, Jo Raven, at the New Food Conference to learn about the latest developments in the finance and alternative-protein space, including why investors are looking towards sustainable proteins to drive growth and address climate-related investment risks. Register now!

J.P. MORGAN GLOBAL ESG CONFERENCE: THE FUTURE OF FOODTuesday, 23 March 2021   |   17:00 (GMT) / 12:00 (EST)Balancing sustainable practices with consumer preferences regarding taste represents a key challenge for Food & Beverage companies. While this may be seen as a risk, innovation could also lead to significant new market opportunities. Our Executive Director, Maria Lettini, joins Robbie Miles, ESG Analyst at Allianz Global Investors, and other panellists to reflect on the ‘future of food’.

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