Egypt – ISIS (Integrated Synergistic Information System)

Jay OwenTrendspotting

As a member of the Millennium Project ‘s Planning Committee I applaud
this creative initiative ,  Hazel henderson, Editor



The Millennium Project has begun to work with the Egyptian Academy ofScientific Research and Technology to create the first national fully publiccollective intelligence system in the world to be called ISIS (IntegratedSynergistic Information System). It will integrate all of the Egypt’sAcademy of Scientific Research and Technology’s information systems,government programs and public information, others information like WorldBank, USIAD, IMF, EU, as possible, with the ability for the public tocomment and use the rest of features the Global Futures Information System(www.themp.prg). The Academy, the Egyptian Arab Futures ResearchAssociation, and The Millennium Project will continue to develop andimplement ISIS even during these difficult times, and even because of thesedifficult times, because Egypt does not have a system that makes it easy tosee the nation’s situation as-a-whole, its future options, and the fullrange of the citizens’ views, government programs, and feedback onpriorities.Mission of ISIS:*       To support the renaissance of EgyptThe purposes of ISIS are to:*       Bring together the key information sources of the country with theexpert scholars, scientists, thought leaders, and the general public.*       Continually update and organize all views on the importantchallenges for Egypt.*       Connect the Academy’s information network to these views for betterinformed and more coherent national discussions about Egypt’s challenges.*       Respond to feedback from these national discussions to make betterdecisions.The Objectives of ISIS are to:*       Produce an online platform open to the public for their comments onall elements of the system*       Connect the vast amounts of knowledge of the Academy to theimportant challenges for Egypt, to support better informed discussions.*       Organize networks of experts by key challenges [as initiallyidentified by the Academy in consultation with the government requirements].The experts provide input to ISIS and review suggestions made by others toimprove the understanding of the current situation, the desired situation,and the policies and strategies to address the gap. They are also able toreview public comments, identify and use other resources such as computermodels, new research around the world important to Egypt, and participate indiscussions and Real-Time Delphi surveys. These functions will be carriedout by the Academy’s staff.This should be a great step forward for The Millennium Project and ifsuccessful, could be adapted to other countries as well.Jerome C. Glenn,CEOThe Millennium <>  and