Jay OwenSustainability News


The 2017 ECOCITY World Summit will provide an outstanding opportunity to strengthen the understanding of the unprecedented ecological challenges facing cities all around the world.  Join the world’s leading urban policy makers, practitioners and researchers attending the Summit to discuss the climate change, sustainability and resilience challenges facing cities – and the crucial role which cities can play in meeting these challenges.

With in excess of 100 sessions from 300 presenters representing more than 30 different countries, the Ecocity World Summit is a ‘must attend’ event. The Summit Program has been designed to maximise relevance and value to people working in a wide range of government, university, business and community settings across the globe, featuring the following streams:

  • The Urban Leadership stream (Big ideas and global perspectives) includes presentations and panels on topics as important, urgent and diverse as: Sustainable Development Goals and Cities; The New Urban Agenda; Business Creating Sustainable Cities; Retrofitting Suburbia; Creating Regional Ecocities; and Women Leading Sustainable and Resilient Cities.
  • The Academic stream (Evidence, analysis and insight) brings together researchers from around the world to share knowledge about: Risk, Resilience and Change; Green Design and Planning; Cultural Ecologies; Greening the City; Climate Transformations; Healthy and Caring Cities; Smart Cities for People; and Urban Food and Water Systems.
  • The City Practices stream (Strategies and tools for driving change) includes policy and practice workshops and masterclasses on Zero Carbon Cities; Climate Resilient Cities; Citizen Engagement; and Planning and Governance.

An impressive arrange of international and national presenters will gather to lead the dialogue of the Summit. To view the preliminary program please visit: here



Secure your place at the Summit and participate in the global discussion. Visit the website to register now!