Downstream Solar Market Opportunities Webinar

Ethical MarketsSRI/ESG News

March 18, 2008 from 1-2:15 PM EST
FEE: $35
Register Now!

Venture capital investment in solar grew from $360 million in 2006 to more than $1 billion in 2007, in 71 transactions in North America, according to Greentech Media. However, 90% of this capital went into ‘upstream’ solar technology firms in thin film, concentrating solar, silicon optimization, or next generation PV. This webinar will focus on emerging opportunities in ‘downstream’ solar services firms with innovations in financing, installation, distribution, and integration of multiple solar technologies which captured the remaining 10% of the venture capital investments in 2007. Speakers include David Kirkpatrick of SJF Ventures, Jeff Osborne of Thomas Weisel Partners, Chris Whitman of U.S. Solar Finance, and Jeff Wolfe of groSolar (more info. below) Read more and register …