CSRwire Talkback: Renewable Energy: Profiting from Fossil Fuels’ Woes

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Resource Efficiency

By Rosalinda Sanquiche, co-author, Green Transition Scoreboard® Report

Over $2 trillion has been privately invested globally since 2007 inrenewable energy, the highest sector monitored by the Green Transition Scoreboard®. While reduced cost and greater efficiencies are a large part of the story, renewable energy is benefiting also from changing attitudes toward fossil fuels and diminished returns on these investments.

Coal Falls Out of Favor

Goldman Sachs cautions that coal mining and infrastructure “projects will struggle to earn a positive return,” based on environmental regulations discouraging coal-fired generation, energy efficiency improvements and strong competition from gas and renewables, for example, recognizing onshore wind power as a mature technology.