CSR Asia Weekly: Unilever’s Supply Chains in Vietnam / Post-2015 development agenda

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Vol. 9 Week 7 | 27 February 2013    


Real-time online training: Effective CSR Communications

CSR Asia is hosting a live web training session on 11 April on effective CSR communications. The 2-hour training session will outline success factors that can increase companies’ visibility around CSR initiatives. Get practical tips and tools at your fingertips!

Click here for training details

CSR Essentials (New content) to be held in Hong Kong in March

This one day training course is a fast-paced overview of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) suitable for people beginning to implement CSR and looking for practical ways to deliver their CSR initiatives.

Training details in Hong Kong


Oxfam takes a deep dive into Unilever’s Supply Chains in Vietnam

Every so often we hear stories in the media about labour rights violations and human rights abuses in the factories and supply chains of high street brands operating in developing countries … Read more

The post-2015 development agenda matters to business

Since the turn of the new millennium, the global development and policy agenda has been guided by the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Each goal has an ambitious target associated with it, due by 2015 … Read more

Enroll in the upcoming module of our Professional Master’s in CSR!

Join us for the next module on Corporate Governance, Fair Operating Practices and Government Relations which can also be taken as a ‘stand-alone’ training course. The module will be delivered in Bangkok over four intensive days from Friday 15 to Monday 18 March 2013.

Good corporate governance is a necessary cornerstone of corporate social responsibility. This module examines key corporate governance challenges in the Asia-Pacific region including challenges associated with bribery and corruption. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the importance of governance in underpinning CSR, key elements of good corporate governance, links to stakeholder engagement, and approaches to effective anti-corruption strategies.

Interested applicants can visit the Professional Master’s Degree in CSR webpage or email the program manager Clelia Daniel at cdaniel@csr-asia.com.

CSR Essentials (New Content)
March 14, 2013
Hong Kong

Corporate Governance, Fair Operating Practices and Government Relations
March 15-18, 2013

Online Training – Effective CSR Communications
April 11, 2013

Business Strategy and Social Responsibility
April 26-29, 2013

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Opinions reflected in the articles are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of CSR Asia.

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