Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,Newsflash No 122 presents information about Club of Rome events, initiatives and about publications by members:
– Berlin: Climate Engineering Conference (18.-21.8.2014)– Hanover: Decoupling (27.-29.8.2014)– Mexcio City: Annual Conference of the Club of Rome (16.-18.10.2014)– New Delhi: Securing Food for All (30.-31.10.2014)ORGANISATION– New Club of Rome Members– Upcoming Reports to the Club of RomePUBLICATIONS– A circular economy would reconcile European climate and competitiveness concerns– Basic Structure of a Potential Global Climate Contract– Rethinking Values in Economics and Development– Extracting Value– The Greatest Adventure on Earth– Applying the New Science of Networks to Planetary Agriculture– Plastikfrei und Zurueck zum UrsprungMEDIA– Interview with Ian Johnson– Media review