MEETINGS: 15-30 MARCH 2012
The twenty-sixth meeting of the Animals Committee (AC26)
of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) convened from 15-20 March
2012 in Geneva, Switzerland. AC26 was followed by the Joint
Meeting of the AC and Plants Committee (PC), which took place
in Dublin, Ireland, from 22-24 March 2012. Finally, the 20th
meeting of the Plants Committee (PC20) met in Dublin from
26-30 March 2012.
It had been several years since the CITES scientific
committees have had the opportunity to meet for any length of
time in tandem, and with preparations for the 62nd meeting of
the Standing Committee (SC62) in July and the 16th meeting
of the Conference of the Parties (CoP16) in Thailand in 2013
gaining momentum, the committees were under pressure to
complete their mandate from CoP15 and provide essential advice
to the Convention’s decision-making body. The more than 200
participants attending the meetings over the course of two and a
half weeks was an indication of parties’ interest in the scientific
committees’ deliberations. The Committees completed their
work with collegial collaboration and while some of the more
contentious issues provided some lengthy and complex debates,
the AC/PC delegates left Dublin with some accomplishments
under their belts and some work to do to ensure that CITES’
scientific processes continue to provide a strong foundation for
the Convention.