The power of mobile money

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Sep 24th 2009 From The Economist print edition Mobile phones have transformed lives in the poor world. Mobile money could have just as big an impact Panos ONCE the toys of rich yuppies, mobile phones have evolved in a few short years to become tools of economic empowerment for the …

Media Reform Daily

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Posted September 22, 2009 Preserving a Free and Open Internet: A Platform for Innovation, Opportunity, and Prosperity In a speech given at the Brookings Institution, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski proposed two additional Net Neutrality rules that will ensure the Internet’s continued openness. Read the newsletter…

September 12th, 2009 – IBC 2009 Special

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Latest News Posted September 14, 2009 “The future of IPTV content protection is cardless” IBC 2009: Despite the majority of IPTV operators (and their content owners) currently favouring card solutions for their content protection, the future will be cardless as operators look to drive down their operational costs, according to …

Information feudalism and permanent rent in the cloud

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Cory Doctorow’s editorial in the Guardian has an implicit warning. Cloud Computing may be the vehicle for extracting permanent financial rents, in a form of license-based feudalism. Cory also thinks it is unwise to rely on a  corporate cloud in times of financial turbulence.

NAMLE Meritorious Service Award Honors Longtime Leader

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Posted August 28, 2009 The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) has honored one of its own with its coveted  Meritorious Service Award, during its national conference, “Bridging Literacies: Critical Connections in a Digital World,” which was recently held in Detroit.