Avaaz.org – Copenhagen: “The elephant is moving”

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Dear friends, It’s been a tough ending to an amazing week. In all-night negotiations, leaders have reached a weak agreement in Copenhagen that fails to set the emissions targets needed to prevent catastrophic global warming. The agreement was stronger on funding, but it was not binding, and set no urgent …

P2P Foundation

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

“P2P Foundation” – 3 new articles A spiral evolution towards communal forms? Commons-based Peer Production, Education, and the issue of Open Accreditation The Internet in Numbers

Second Call for Papers and Invited Sessions Proposals

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Announcement (Extension: Second set of deadlines) ======================================================= 1. The 8th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: PISTA 2010 (http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/PISTA) ======================================================= 2. The 4th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2010 (http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/IMSCI) ======================================================= Both conferences will be held collocated (at the same time and the …

Leonardo Energy: The Web Community for Sustainable Energy Professionals – 25 Predictions on low carbon electricity

Ethical MarketsTrendspotting, Wealth of Networks

Prediction markets: the wisdom of the crowd A prediction market makes use of the collective wisdom of its contributors to produce answers to uncertain questions. It is organised in the form of a stock market, with virtual money to stimulate participation. Participants – or ‘traders’ – can earn virtual money …

P2P Foundation Updates

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Strong IPR regimes counterproductive for climate change technology transfers SciDev summarizes the conclusions from a new report undertaken by Asian research institutes: “The notion that climate technology cannot be transferred to a developing country unless it has strong intellectual property laws — a cherished belief among developed countries — has …

Free Press Media Reform Daily

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

The Dirty Truth about Rural Broadband Verizon and other ISPs routinely present rural consumers as their primary concern, suggesting that they are doing all they can to bring them broadband. To call these ISPs hypocritical would be a gross understatement. While they purport to be committed to broadband deployment for …

P2P Foundation

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Posted October 28, 2009 Leapfrogging towards post-industrial development That is the opportunity that the development of Africa presents. Rural Africa missed out on the industrial revolution that raised the living standards of the industrial nations. It is a fresh canvas where we can paint a new picture of development. We …

P2P Foundation

Ethical MarketsWealth of Networks

Posted October 24, 2009 The economic rationale for ‘collaborative goods’: complementing Ostrom Mark Cooper could easily have been the third leg of the stool of the recent Nobel Prize for economics, which rewarded research into the economic rationale of non-market modes.