Companies Mitigating Climate Change Reduce Their Cost of Capital

Tommy MalettaReforming Global Finance, Transforming Finance, Latest Headlines Leave a Comment

By Sustainable Brands New research shows that when companies disclose their environmental impact — and take meaningful action to mitigate it — they earn investor trust. The climate crisis is now being felt worldwide through more frequent and powerful extreme-weather events. Companies, particularly those in high-emission industries, are major contributors to global …

Climate finance for adaptation needs a clear destination

Tommy MalettaReforming Global Finance, Community Development Solutions, Latest Headlines

By Mark Chandler, EuroNews The least the international community can do is fully and strategically finance climate adaptation to provide the best possible protection against climate hazards and risks, Mark Chandler writes. How do you know when a small-scale farmer in Africa, Latin America or Asia has sufficiently adapted to …

Can carbon offsets actually work? The Biden administration thinks so.

Tommy MalettaReforming Global Finance, Beyond GDP, Transforming Finance, Latest Headlines

By Joseph Winters, Grist New guidelines aim to restore confidence in the controversial climate solution. On Tuesday, the Biden administration unveiled new guidelines on “responsible participation” in the voluntary carbon market, or VCM — the system that allows companies to say they’ve canceled out their greenhouse gas emissions through the …

Big Lessons for Sustainable Finance from Financial Economic Crime

Tommy MalettaReforming Global Finance, Wealth of Networks, Latest Headlines

By Kevin Halimi and Boris Van Bruggen, Sustainable Brands The two fields may seem wildly different; however, when it comes to conducting client due diligence and collecting data, there are clear lessons sustainable finance professionals can learn from their counterparts in financial economic crime. During the last decade, financial institutions …

International Debt Is Strangling Developing Nations Vulnerable to Climate Change, a New Report Shows

Tommy MalettaReforming Global Finance, Beyond GDP, Transforming Finance, Latest Headlines

By Katie Surma, Inside Climate News Many small island nations which contributed little to climate change now must borrow money to rebuild after climate-induced storms. The debt service they’re carrying hinders their ability to invest in new adaptive infrastructure before the next storms hit. Small island developing countries are increasingly …