.!. Posted June 2, 2009 During the 1840s, two young German scholars, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, applied George Hegel’s dialectical philosophy of history to economics and politics. They envisioned modern history in three distinct phases: Phase 1 XIII release Small Town Folk hd Return Of The Magnificent Seven buy …
Carbon Tax and Dividend by James Hansen, May 2009
Posted June 2, 2009 Reproduced with permission from YaleGlobal Online (www.yaleglobal.yale.edu). Copyright (c) 2009, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University. Click here to read more… Belly of the Beast film The Legend of Hell House movie full Small Town Folk on dvd The Wickeds the movie Johnny …
Carbon Tax & 100% Dividend vs. Tax & Trade
Posted June 2, 2009 Testimony of James E. Hansen, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, to the Committee on Ways and Means United States House of Representatives, 25 February 2009. Click here for the PDF Blood Crime movie . Belly of the Beast full The Mist hd …
International Climate Bonds Proposal
By Sean Kidney, Karl Mallon, Nick Silver, Cynthia Williams and Paul Hughes V1.2: 20May09 This paper follows international modelling which identifies industrial development times as the critical constraint to avoiding dangerous climate change. The modelling suggests that an unprecedented public-private partnership may be the only solution to address this issue …
Climate Solutions II: Low Carbon Re-Industrialisation
The most important finding of this report is that it is today’s national leaders that will decide the fate humanity, our fellow creatures and the environment upon which all depend. This is a profound and unavoidable responsibility. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change will …
Business Leaders Climate Emissions Pledge Frustrated Many
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 26, 2009 (ENS) – World business leaders gathered in Copenhagen today threw their support behind “ambitious and effective” global action on climate change at the UN climate conference that Denmark will host in December. At the conclusion of the three-day World Business Summit on Climate Change, some …
Q: Is this philanthropy? A: No. All of the one trillion dollars worth of investments will be based on typical market rates of return for the type of risk category according to your financial institution’s underwriting criteria and fiduciary responsibility. Q: What type of investments will we be making? A: …
Background on Climate Prosperity
CLIMATE PROSPERITY Green Savings, Green Opportunities, and Green Talent: Generating Jobs, Incomes, Innovation, and Resource Efficiency GLOBAL CLIMATE PROSPERITY AGREEMENT: “THE ONE TRILLION DOLLAR DEAL” Dr. Tariq Banuri, Director, Division of Sustainable Development, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and Dr. Marc A. Weiss, Chair, Climate Prosperity Alliance, …
Reforming Energy Subsidies: Opportunities to Contribute to the Climate Change Agenda, UNEP, Div. of Technology, Industry and Economics, 2008
Reforming environmentally harmful energy subsidies will need to play a central role in moving the world onto a more sustainable development path. However, there is a lack of information and understanding about the size of the problem, the need for policy reform and the best way to go about it. …