TCR: Leading-Edge Corporate and Financial Sector Sustainability Strategies

Ethical Markets - RAdvisors' Forum, Ethical Markets Review

By Frank Dixon, December 1, 2015 The system change-focused Total Corporate Responsibility (TCR®) methodology provides the most advanced form of corporate responsibility (CR) and socially responsible investing (SRI). TCR can be used to develop high-performing SRI funds that produce greater positive environmental and social impacts than any other type of …

The Global West Reaches Economic Adulthood

Jay OwenTrendspotting, Ethical Markets Review

The Global West Reaches Economic Adulthood By Gijs Graafland, Planck Foundation, Amsterdam, NL The Global West matures. Not only in demographics. Also in economics. Growth is over. Decline is knocking on the door. This reality is far from acceptance. The current mood is still the narrative of the past: growth. …

Ethical Markets Review:Can democratic money with environmental values reduce market failures?

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Ethical Markets Review

Can democratic money with environmental values reduce market failures?  Shann Turnbull, [email protected] Principal: International Institute for Self-governance   The 2008 global financial crisis and current uncertainties about the Euro provide evidence that the financial system is neither self-correcting nor capable of being reliably regulated. The financial system has failed because modern …

Raj Thamotheram on working together towards sustainable capitalism

Ethical MarketsEthical Markets Review

We are honored to publish this presentation by Raj Thamotheram, President, Network for Sustainable Financial Markets , of which we are members. Thamotheram is a longtime financial expert and practitioner who has become  a key figure in reforming global financial markets. – Hazel Henderson, Editor Good morning. Today’s “Accounting for …

Measuring Immeasurable Change

Ethical MarketsCommunity Development Solutions, Ethical Markets Review

“We at Ethical Markets  are happy to Publish  this original  article by Paul Glover, one of the true pioneers of local development and true wealth and sustainable communities,” Hazel Henderson, – Editor by Paul Glover There’s obvious need for a new Economy of Generosity, to repair communities and nature.  Heroic …

The Cybernetics of Sustainability: Definition and Underlying Principles

kristyEthical Markets Review

“We are happy to publish this paper by Michael Ben-Eli who is not only an innovative thinker but also a pragmatic activist in applying his insights in the Negev Desert with a Bedouin Community.” ~ Hazel Henderson, Editor Michael Ben-Eli The Sustainability Laboratory, New York Sustainability: Has the true meaning …

Transitioning to the Solar Age

Ethical MarketsArticles by Hazel Henderson, Ethical Markets Review

By Hazel Henderson This essay has been excerpted as a chapter in WorldShift 2020: The New Vision – Exploring the Evolving Horizons; section ‘From Vision To Reality: Contributions From The Worldshifting Community’ forthcoming from Inner Traditions Publishing (Rochester, VT). The multiple crises human societies experienced in the first decade of the …

Co-operative money and banking systems: Back to the Future

Ethical MarketsCommunity Development Solutions, Ethical Markets Review

Pat Conaty – Co-operatives UK New attempts to introduce local money systems can be seen with every serious recession or depression over the past two centuries. The 1820s, 1840s, 1870s, 1890s, 1930s and 1980s all kicked off monetary reform action – sometimes just confined to the locality level but considered …

What Defines Capitalism?

kristyEthical Markets Review

We are pleased to publish this thoughtful and foundational article by a distinguished member of our Ethical Markets Advisory Board, Shann Turnbull, Sydney, Australia, Hazel Henderson, Editor What is Capitalism? Many people consider that capitalism is defined by the existence of markets. But markets exist in primitive, feudal, fascist and …