Ethical MarketsReforming Global Finance, Advisors' Forum

By Robert A. G. Monks Robert A. G. Monks is a member of the Ethical Markets Media Research Advisory Board in the area of Corporate and Government Accountability Research. Less than two decades after Francis Fukuyama famously enshrined market-based liberal democracy as an optimal system at “the end of history,”  …

Earth Policy News – Creating New Jobs, Cutting Carbon Emissions, and Reducing Oil Imports by Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Ethical MarketsAdvisors' Forum

December 11, 2008 Lester R. Brown At a time when major U.S. companies are announcing job layoffs almost daily, the renewable energy industry is hiring new workers every day to build wind farms, install rooftop solar arrays, and build solar thermal and geothermal power plants. The output of industrial …


Ethical MarketsAdvisors' Forum

CHICAGO, IL, December 2, 2008 –/WORLD-WIRE/– Obama is the first President-elect to develop a comprehensive cancer plan, besides doubling cancer funding. While the plan reflects strong emphasis on oncology, no reference is made to cancer prevention.

Money, Markets and Climate Change

Ethical MarketsAdvisors' Forum

Dr. Shann Turnbull International Institute for Self-Governance November 24, 2008 Climate change has been identified as “The biggest market failure the World has ever seen”, (Stern 2006). This paper identifies the cost of finance as an influential element of this market failure and how it can be removed. One approach …

Making Capitalism Work for Main Street

Ethical MarketsAdvisors' Forum

Copyright 2008 by Thornton Parker Some of Barack Obama’s challenges come in bunches like grapes. A large bunch includes the aging baby boom, the struggling middle class, and declining manufacturing. Instead of treating each individually with government programs, a better approach is to make capitalism work as it should by …