Capital Institute 2012 Year in Review

Ethical MarketsAdvisors' Forum

With the year’s end fast approaching, we cannot help but reflect on our busy and productive year: research and practice around holism, biomimicry, and entropic thrift; debate around impact investing in the anthropocene, climate change, and stranded assets; discussions of the Financial Transactions Tax and Dodd-Frank.  We made significant headway in building out our hallmark “Financial Overshoot” and “Regenerative Capitalism” ideas, which are taking shape in our syndicated Future of Finance blog and will be published in full in 2013.  Through our advisory relationships, our work is now influencing leading initiatives, including the regenerative impact investment strategy of Armonia, LLC, Richard Branson’s Business Leaders sustainability initiative, and the Economic Strategy Working Group’s “Business Plan for America,” being led by New America Foundation and The World Business Council on Sustainable Development that grew out of the grand strategy work under the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In addition, we are pleased to have published the first draft of a working paper with the Third Millennium Economy project.  I am currently visiting London and New Delhi with colleague Peter Brown to receive input and diverse perspectives in order to build a global consensus around the challenging thinking in this work.

Finally, we are proud to have just launched our first eBook, which is the fourth installment in our Field Guide to Investing in a Regenerative Economy initiative.  The eBook is called “The Next (Regenerative) Industrial Age: The Story of the National Manufacturing Renaissance Campaign.”  Together with the prior three field studies, we are beginning to tell the story of what a regenerative economy will look like by illuminating real-word, scalable, transformative models grounded in the regenerative principles of a sustainable economy.

As we wrap up our second full year, we would like to recognize and thank our generous partners in this unconventional work, who each demonstrate their wise leadership through their own work.  It is an honor to call them our partners.  Alphabetically they include Armonia, the Compton Foundation, the V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, and RSF Social Finance.

It goes without saying that we absolutely could not do the work we do without all of you, our loyal collaborative community, too.  We learn every day from the insightful conversations and commentary you post to our website and various social media networks.  The same goes for all the amazing ally organizations out there who strengthen Capital Institute’s work by challenging and supporting it.  It is a privilege to collaborate with so many passionate and dedicated individuals and organizations.  We wish everyone a happy holiday season and we look forward to continuing to transform finance to serve a more just, regenerative, and sustainable economy together in the New Year.

-John Fullerton (Founder & President)

The Field Guide’s Organic Unfolding

Our first Field Guide to Investing in a Regenerative Economy study, Grasslands LLC, was published two years ago, in December 2010.  Since that time we have continued to identify and report on the qualities that our Field Guide subjects share with natural systems.  We have also, from time to time, stepped back to observe how the FIeld Guide project is itself unfolding in wonderfully organic ways.  Here is just one example.

In October 2011, in search of inspiration for our next Field Guide story and before a planned trip to Chicago, I contacted renowned political economist and historian Gar Alperovitz.  I had first spoken to Gar, the co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative, in the spring of 2011 while conducting interviews and research for our second Field Guide study, “The Evergreen Cooperatives.”

On Gar’s short list of people I needed to meet in Chicago was Dan Swinney, founder of the Center for Labor and Community Research.  Read more


The Next (Regenerative) Industrial Age Now Available on Kindle!

The latest installment in our Field Guide to Investing in a Regenerative Economy and our first eBook is now available onKindle through the Amazon Kindle Store.  It also remains available as an iBook for the iPad, as a PDF, and via Vook, a web-based eReader accessible by all smart devices.  All versions are currently FREE.