Can America Rebuild Its Manufacturing Base on the Wings of the Green Economy?

kristyGreen Prosperity

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The Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire

Can America Rebuild Its Manufacturing Base on the Wings of the Green Economy?


“? deniers still exist, fueled and funded by dirty energy profits. These people aren’t just on the other side of this debate. They’re on the other side of reality.”

There’s been a lot of talk on the hustings lately about outsourcing. But American manufacturing jobs have been draining out to low-wage Green Jobscountries for far longer. In 1979, manufacturing jobs constituted 18% of the workforce. By 2011, that percentage had been slashed in half.

Regardless, a turnaround is possible, argues Francesca Rheannon — if political forces don’t get in the way. And the “onshoring” of jobs could take place on the wings of the Green Economy — again, if those wings aren’t clipped by hostile politicians — because a drive for greater energy efficiency and the need to escape rising fuel costs are bringing jobs home as well as creating new ones.

But will the government let the green economy take flight? Grab her report — and join the debate — on Talkback.

Becoming a B: A Fact Sheet About BCorporations & Benefit Corporations


Does becoming a benefit corporation or getting B Corporation certified have any impact on an organization’s federal tax status? Is the benefit corporation a legal entity, just like an LLC, a nonprofit corporation, or an independently-administered certification?

Grab your personal fact sheet about the two frameworks, including the pros and cons according to a former member of the B Lab policy team, on Talkback.


The Ray C. Anderson Foundation: Advancing the Legacy of America’s Greenest CEO


The Ray C. Anderson Foundation: Advancing the Legacy of America’s Greenest CEO

The Foundation seeks to use their new website as a vehicle to build on what Interface founder Ray Anderson started by funding research projects that promote new developments in the sustainable manufac… Read More.

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