1% For the Planet
Since 2002, 1% for the Planet has inspired members of the business community to contribute 1% of sales to environmental groups around the world. In return, this growing alliance of companies is given the opportunity not only to see their self-worth rise, but their net worth climb as well.
California Business Alliance for a Green Economy
The California Business Alliance for a Green Economy is working to support California’s efforts to promote clean energy, fossil fuel independence, and energy efficiency, which spur investment, innovation, and economic growth in our state while protecting our economy from the volatility of fossil fuel prices and the hidden costs of climate change. California businesses are joining together in historic numbers to support this vision. Join the Alliance and get involved today!
ASBC Welcomes Newest Business Supporters
Marstel-Day is an ideas- and values-driven environmental company offering green consulting services. Since our inception in 2002, Marstel-Day has been committed to executing projects that enhance the environment and permanently conserve natural resources and wildlife habitat. We provide clients with concepts, strategies, and plans of action for land use sustainability, climate adaptation, conservation planning, water resource analyses, smart growth and transportation, and encroachment management. Recently, we have branched into new areas that lie at the intersection of land, water, and energy use and the relationships among them. We work with clients at the federal, state, and local government levels, as well as in the private sector.
Marstel-Day is a woman-owned, small, certified HUBZone business with multiple prime contract vehicles and primary offices in Fredericksburg, VA; Alexandria, VA; and Oakland, CA. For the past three years, we have been recognized by Inc. Magazine as one of the fastest growing private environmental services firms in the United States.
Better World Telecom
Better World Telecom believes the telecom industry is ready for a shift toward greater corporate social responsibility and that our customers can work smarter and more sustainably using telecom technology.
Our goal is provide organizations with the most effective combination of services, using business-grade voice and data solutions, applications, hardware, and cloud computing. To create customized solutions we provide local, long distance, toll-free, conferencing, Internet access, and cloud communications services such as VoIP, unified communications services, and Virtual PBX products in 42 states
We proudly serve over 50,000 employees nationwide that all share a common goal: To make the world a better place. We support them by providing an average savings of 23%, a 100% service guarantee, and by donating a percentage of our revenues to children, education, the environment, and fair trade.
Davis Graham Stubbs Law Firm
Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP enjoys a strong national reputation for its corporate finance, natural resources, and energy law practices, with a particular focus on securities and M&A transactions, complex commercial litigation, and regulatory guidance. For nearly a century, DGS has ranked among the region’s most prominent law firms, consistently offering quality legal services to emerging and established businesses in the Rocky Mountain West.
DGS attorneys have a longstanding dedication to and decades of experience advising clients on energy project-development issues. Combining a range of legal disciplines and project experience, they help clients take advantage of emerging opportunities in the renewable energy and transportation sector, including wind, solar, biomass, alternative and mass transportation, and other ventures.
Our experience includes traditional legal services – such as the drafting and negotiation of power purchase agreements, transmission agreements, and other contracts – as well as specialized, renewable energy-specific expertise. Our in-depth understanding of the industry and close working relationship with key agencies helps established and emerging ventures continue as or evolve into sustainable, profitable projects and companies.
Policy Actions
Tell EPA to Support Clean Air Rules
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a historic effort to reign in carbon pollution from new power plants. Now, a 60-day public comment period is open to express support for this critical first step at controlling the pollutant that is the leading cause of climate change. The EPA needs to hear from business leaders to understand that this rule will spur innovation in clean energy technology, create jobs, and produce cleaner air. Read a recent article about ASBC’s support of the carbon rule. For more information contact Bryan McGannon.
Business for Democracy – Resolutions Week Meetings
The campaign to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United case is working to pass resolutions in local and state governments calling for a Constitutional amendment to fix the campaign finance system. Organizing meetings are happening across the country the week of May 9. We encourage partners and business leaders to plug into these events and lend the business voice to the local efforts. A list of organizing events can be found here, and you can learn more at ASBC’s Business for Democracy campaign page. Contact Bryan McGannon for more details.
WEBINAR: Crowdfunding is Law, Now What?
Please join ASBC and special guests for a Crowdfunding webinar on May 4, 2:30 pm EST. This webinar will focus on the forward-looking view and impacts the new crowdfunding law will have on businesses and what the opportunities are. Andy Greene, counsel to Senator Jeff Merkley (who was the lead author of the law) will discuss the law and what regulations still need to be made at the SEC; Jenny Kassan, Chief Executive of Cutting Edge Capital and an advocate for crowdfunding will discuss what the new law will mean to local living economies; and a crowdfunding platform leader will discuss how businesses can leverage the new opportunities presented by the law.
Register today to join us for this exciting event
To learn about ASBC’s active role in passing the legislation, visit our crowdfunding campaign page. For more information contact Bryan McGannon.
Conference Call With Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN
Join ASBC for a conference call with Representative Keith Ellison, D-MN and co-chair of Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), in a conversation about the state of the economy and upcoming legislative priorities. ASBC has worked with the CPC on various legislative issues in the past and looks forward to continuing this work. This call will provide a unique opportunity to hear from Rep. Ellison on the next steps to be taken legislatively and will provide the opportunity for folks to ask questions and participate in an open dialogue.??
May 15, 3:30 pm EST. ?
Dial +1 (773) 897-3001
?Access Code: 481-433-326
Sustainable Agriculture Webinar – The Farm Bill
Join us May 11, 1:00 p.m. EST to learn how the Farm Bill works and, more importantly, how sustainable businesses can influence how this major piece of national legislation affects our food system.
The Farm Bill has a major impact on farmers, consumers, rural communities, the natural environment, and the 40-plus million people receiving food assistance as well as global agribusiness.
It’s time for the Farm Bill to promote, rather than inhibit, local agricultural economies as well as small and mid-size food production businesses. The next Bill should, and could, include policies that encourage fair competition, equal access to capital for young farmers, and agricultural practices that protect the environment for future generations. Register today to reserve your spot.
Bob Junk of Fay Penn Economic Development Council
Lorette Picciano, Executive Director of the Rural Coalition
Ferd Hoefner, Policy Director of National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Webinar: Reforming Chemical Regulations is Good for Business
Wednesday, May 16, 2012: 12:00 – 1:00 pm central time. Register now to save your spot.
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, the American Sustainable Business Council and Small Business Minnesota are the sponsors of this Webinar.
Join the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy for this free webinar and hear from Crystal Saric, Sustainability Program Manager at Fairview Health Services and Barry Cik, CEO of Naturepedic, representatives from two companies that support better chemicals regulation to meet their business needs.
There is broad agreement that the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) fails to address the interests of companies seeking to meet consumer demand for safer products without the use of harmful chemicals. American businesses are recognizing that safer chemicals reduce the costs of regulation, hazardous waste storage and disposal, worker protection, and future liabilities, while supporting values of protecting human and environmental health.
Sustainable Brands 2012
Join us for three days of extraordinary conversation and insight as Sustainability, Brand Strategy and Innovation leaders convene to inspire revolution and action towards a flourishing future. Sustainable Brands delivers a world class faculty of thought leaders and practitioners leading the sustainable brand revolution. Collaborate with market-making companies such as Unilever, Coca-Cola, Hewlett-Packard, UPS, Dell, BASF, Ford, Johnson & Johnson, Philips, Green Mountain Coffee, Target, and hundreds of others as the Sustainable Brands community comes together to drive the sustainable economy forward. Join 150 speakers and 1,000 attendees in over 80 sessions, workshops, plenaries, and more at Paradise Point, San Diego, June 4-7. Learn More: www.SustainableBrands12.com
Recent News
ASBC Speaks at Capitol Hill Summit on Campaign Finance Reform
ASBC Board Member and Executive Director of the National Latino & Ranchers Trade Association Rudy Arredondo spoke on behalf of ASBC’s Business for Democracy campaign on Capitol Hill alongside members of Congress and ally organizations to promote the need for a Constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. The overflow event demonstrated a unified voice across a broad range of constituencies calling for a fix to the campaign finance system that allows unlimited and unaccounted for money into our political system. For more information, contact Bryan McGannon.
ASBC Business Supporter Testifies Before Congress
Ally Latourelle of BioAmber, an ASBC Business Supporter, testified in support of sound science in the government and how sound science fosters innovation and creation of 21st century businesses. The hearing was held by the House Oversight & Investigations committee to review the executive branch’s handling of the Report on Carcinogens (ROC), which is a scientific review of substances considered to be or may be considered cancer causing.
ASBC in the Headlines
“Government Economic Intervention Made America Great” – US News
“Evaluating Chemicals for Carcinogenicity, Good for Business” – Press Release
“Investing in Main Street Instead of Just Wall Street” – Bloomberg Business Week
“US Chamber of Commerce Faces Changing Times” – Roll Call
“ASBC Testifies in Support of Increased Minimum Wage” – WGRZ
“From Environment to Regulation: What We Need to Do Differently This Earth Day” – Huffington Post