August 20: Partnerism Participation Summit – register today!

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Latest Headlines

“Ethical Markets fully supports this call for ”Partnerism” by our esteemed Advisory Board member Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and the Blade” and other best-sellers.

The Covid crisis has revealed that all the carers in our society who  have been keeping us all functioning are the lowest paid and in the most danger of getting the virus . In addition all the unpaid volunteer carers who  work in our households and communities  comprises up  to  50% of all production in all societies (even more in many developing countries)  are ignored  in macroeconomic stats., including GDP, as I have described  for decades, as the unpaid “Love Economy”.  Unpaid work missing from GDP was estimated at equivalent to $16 trillion annually in the UN Human Development Report (

Now we also know that there is no shortage of money, as trillions have been conjured up to maintain aggregate demand and allow the unemployed purchasing power to keep our consumer economy afloat.  The economists of the school of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) have been explaining this for decades. They show the all those deficit hawks who lecture about the immorality of budget deficits burdening our children have been wrong.

Of course, deficits matter, but so do all the valuable infrastructure and public goods and services they create, as well as the excessive spending on weapons and special interest subsidies on fossilized sectors.  Yet our GDP still doesn’t record these public assets, but only the  debts used to create them!  Our new global survey “BEYOND GDP“ also finds that 72% of  the public in eleven countries favor expanding GDP to include stats on health, education and environment.   Join this rich discussion!

~Hazel Henderson, Editor“

Partnerism Participation Summit

Thursday, August 20, 2020

3-5pm ET | 12-2pm PT

Online (advance registration required)

Volunteers are organizing to grow the methods originated in

Riane Eisler’s work that show us that we CAN create caring systems

that help everyone flourish.

Covid-19, unemployment, brutality and climate destabilization…in this difficult time we can join together and build caring policies and caring economics that work for everyone.

Join us for this free event to discover how you can replace domination systems by creating partnership systems.