Ethical Markets Media, LLC, accesses the best socially responsible business leaders, asset managers and expert commentators through its Research Advisory Board. The members are from all industry sectors, the public sector, universities and institutes from around the world. Our Research Advisory Board advises on the latest research, breaking stories, new challenges and new developments.
Founding Chair: Hazel Henderson, Dsc. Hon, FRSA: Founder and CEO of Ethical Markets Media, Award-winning author (see Who’s Who in the World)
Accelerated Learning
Houston, Jean Ph.D.; Founder, Jean Houston Foundation; Founder and Program Director, International Institute for Social Artistry, Ashland, OR
Hubbard, Barbara Marx: President, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Santa Barbara, CA
Montuori, Ph.D., Alfonso: Professor, Transformative Inquiry Department at CA Institute of Integral Studies, Academia Profile
Williams, Raes: Facilitator of PER-K® and PSYCH-K
Williams, Rob: Originator of PER-K®
Ethical Biomimicry
Benyus Janine: President, Biomimicry Institute, Missoula, MT
Benardete, Georgie: Managing Director, Multicultural Capital, San Juan, PR
Chirazu, Jacques: Certified Biomimicry Professional + Founder Biomimicry San Diego and Biomimicry Switzerland
Collins, Katherine: Founder and CEO, Honeybee Capital, USA
Lippin, Richard A. M.D: (Rick) Lippin is a recognized leader in the medical specialty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM)
Fullerton, John: Founder and President, Capital Institute; Principal, Level 3 Capital Advisors, LLC, Rye, NY Jackson, Wes: Land Institute
Landever, Brian: Director of CONAPAC Mock, Terry: Co-Founder, Champion Tree Project International & Sustainable Land Development Initiative
Gunter Pauli: Founder/Director, Zeri – Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives, Tokyo, Japan; author of The Blue Economy, Club of Rome
Ping, Martin: Executive Director, Hawthorne Valley Association, Ghent, NY
Savory, Allan: Founder and President, Savory Institute, Boulder, CO
Sukhdev, Pavan: Founder-CEO, GIST Advisory; McCluskey Fellow, 2011, Yale University
Todd, John: Founder and Senior Partner, John Todd Ecological Design, Woods Hole, MA
Socially Responsible Investing and Community
Binns, Beth: Ethical Markets Strategic Planning and Program Development, Management Consultant
Brill, Hal: President, Natural Investment Services, Inc. Paonia, CO
Cahn, Edgar S. Ph.D: Founder, Time Banking; co-founder, Antioch School of Law, Washington, DC . Video: Obama’s Challenge: Making Change without Money
Curtin, Kim Ann: Founder The Wall Street Coach, uthor of Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future, NYC
Davis, Susan E.: Author, The Trojan Horse of Love; Pres.,; Creator, KINS Networks, USA and Ecuador
Ellis, Paul: As the principal at Paul Ellis Consulting, Paul works with financial industry firms to integrate sustainable and ESG investing into their portfolio, marketing and media strategies.
Gordon, Theodore: Co-founder of The Millennium Project, The Futures Group, and the Institute for the Future (others); specialist in forecasting methodology, planning, and policy analysis.
Harnsongkram, Tiffany: CEO of Triangle Tribe, senior advisor for TBLI, Topan, and Njovu Foundation
Kelleher, Joy LCSW: Key Developmental Assets, US; The Core Assets Group, UK
Krumsiek, Barbara: Former President & CEO, The Calvert Group, Bethesda, MD, Director, Arabesque Capital, Phoneix, AZ
Kelly, Georgia: Director, Praxis Peace Institute, Sonoma, CA
Lappé, Frances Moore: Author, Diet for A Small Planet and Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want,Co-Founder, Food First and Small Planet Institute
La Manna Giuseppe: CEO, EcoLogix, Miami, Fl and Valle, Colombia
Lynch, Peter: Solar Energy Security Analyst, New York, NY
Manwaring, Tony: Former Executive Director of External Affairs, CIMA, London, UK
Olsen Pamela J.D., M.Sc.: Private Investor, Ocala, FL
Palazzi, Marcello: President, Progressio Foundation, Founder, B Lab Europe, Netherlands
Piasecki, Bruce: Author, The Surprising Solution; Founder and President, AHC Group, Saratoga Springs, NY
Prins, Nomi: Author, Journalist, Speaker, TV Commentator; Author of Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World (2018), Los Angeles, CA
Rake, Helen: Principal, Synergy Asset Strategies, Inc., St. Augustine, FL
Robin, Vicki: Social innovator, writer and speaker. Co-Author of “Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Achieving Financial Independence”
Rose, Mary Carol: Humanitarian, entrepreneur, independent thinker
Rubinstein, Robert: CEO, Brooklyn Bridge/TBLI Group, Amsterdam, NL
Schueth, Steve: President, First Affirmative Financial Network, Boulder, CO
Smith, Timothy SVP: Walden Asset Mgmt; President, Social Investment Forum, Boston, MA
Spiller, Rodger: Money Matters Inc., Auckland, New Zealand
Strauch, Marc : Founding Partner, Malidan Capita; Partner, Living Economy Advisors; Advisor, Sacred Capital, Los Angeles, CA
Tennant, Tessa: Director, Green Investment Bank, London (deceased)
Weiss, Marc: Chairman and CEO, Global Urban Development, Washington, DC and Porto Alegre, Brazil
Wendt, Gregory CFP: Senior Wealth Advisor, Stakeholders Capital, Santa Monica, CA
Willmann de Donlea: Eva Dir. Concious Investments, Pty, Ltd., Sydney, Australia
Winninghoff, Ellie: Financial analyst and award-winning journalist;, Seattle, Washington
Corporate and Government Accountability Research
Aaronson, Susan: Senior Fellow, The Kenan Institute, Wash., DC
Allee, Verna: Author Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks, Martinez, CA
Bauwens, Michel: Founder and director, P2P Foundation, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Beadle, Carson E.: Former Director, Mercer; Executive Committee Chairman, Security Mutual Life Insurance of NY
Brouse, Gary: Former Director, Interfaith Ctr. on Corp. Responsibility, New York, NY
Brown, Ellen JD,: Author Web of Debt, The Public Bank Solution, Founder Public Banking Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Cranston, Kim: President, Institute for Organizational Evolution, CA
Dickinson, Paul: Founder and Executive Chair, Carbon Disclosure Project, London, UK
Dixon, Frank: Founder, Global System Change, Saratoga Springs, NY
Feigenbaum, Cliff: Publisher, Green Money Journal, Santa Fe, NM
Hadray, Sharon: International speaker, author, coach; Author of How Women Lead Lead: The 8 Essential Strategies Successful Women Know
Hoffman, Prof. Michael: Exec. Dir., Center for Business Ethics, Bentley College,Waltham, MA
Kavanaugh, Susan: Mng. Editor, Federal Ethics Report, Washington, DC
Kiernan, Matthew: Chief Executive, Inflection Point Capital Management, London
Lauer, Dave: CEO KOR Trading, NYC, Founder Healthy Markets, Washington DC
Lubber, Mindy: Executive Director, CERES, Boston, MA
Malthouse, Jacob: Expert on sustainability and cyber-policy. Co-founder of the .ECO Domain, the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, and the ICANN Fellowships Program.
Mayo, Ed: Executive Officer Co-operatives UK, Manchester, UK, author, VALUES (2016)
Minow, Nell: Co-Founder, The Corporate Library, Washington, DC
Monks, Robert A.G.: Author Corpocracy, The New Global Investors, Cape Elizabeth, ME
Morin, Pénélope: Founder, Consultant Firm OptimOmnium Group
Sanders, Jerroll M.: Business process engineer, social problem solver, and broadcast commentator.
Sethi, Professor S. Prakash: President, International Center for Corporate Accountability, Inc., Baruch College/CUNY, New York, NY
Sethi Simran: Author, Bread, Wine and Coffee, former associate Professor, Journalism, University of Kansas, USA
Marlin, Alice Tepper: President, Social Accountability International, NY. Videos “Architect of Corporate Responsibility” and “Setting the Standard for Global Economy”
Turnbull, Shann Ph.D.: Principal, International Inst. for Self-governance, Australia
Webb, Toby: Founder, Innovation Forum
Sustainability/Renewable Resource Sectors
Abraham, Ralph Ph.D: Prof. of Mathematics, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz
Austin, Madeleine J.D.: Executive Director, EthicMark® Award, Santa Barbara, CA
Banuri, Tariq Ph.D: Expert at Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York, NY
Bloom, Lawrence: Co-Chairman, Pathway, Geneva, Switzerland,
Chichilnisky, Graciela: Professor, Economics and Mathematical Statistics, Columbia University; director, Columbia Consortium for Risk Management, New York, NY
Chaudhry, Ravi, Chairman, CeNext Consulting & Investment Pvt Ltd, New Dehli, India
Danziger, Leslie: Co-founder and former Chairman, Solaria Corporation; Co-founder and former Chairman/CEO, Lightpath Technologies, Crestone, CO
Dorsey, Prof. Michael: Senior Program Officer, Science and Technology for Sustainability, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC
Eisler, Riane: President, Center for Partnership Studies, Pacific Grove, CA
Elgin, Duane: Author Promise Ahead; Voluntary Simplicity; Awakening Earth; Co-founder, Our Media Voice; San Anselmo, CA
Gravitz, Alisa: Executive Director, Green America, Washington, DC
Gresser, Julian: Chairman, Alliances for Discovery, Santa Barbara, CA
Hayes, Denis: President, Bullitt Foundation, Seattle, WA
Koster, Francis P. Ed.D.: Futurist and Innovator, Kannapolis, NC
Kiuchi, Tachi: Chairman, FUTURE 500, Tokyo, Japan
Link, Walter Chair, The Global Academy, co-chair Global Leadership Network, CA
Maio, Elsie: Founder, SoulBranding, NYC
Metz, Dr. Paul E.: European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future, Brussels, EU
Moldan, Prof. Bedrich: Director, Environment Center, Charles U., Czech Republic
Morrison, Roy-Energy consultant, photovoltaic developer, social theorist and writer
Motavalli, James: Editor, E, The Environmental Magazine, CT
Nadeau, Prof. Robert: Author, The Wealth of Nature, George Mason Univ., VA
Nahser, F. Byron: Senior Wicklander Fellow, Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, DePau University, Chicago, IL
Ottinger, Richard: Dean Emeritus, Pace Univ. Law School, NY
Pinochet, Maria Olga: President, Kore Access, Incorporated, Pensacola, Florida
Roof, Nancy: Editor, KOSMOS, Lenox, Mass.
Schneider, Claudine: President, Solar Alliance, Boulder, CO, former member US Congress
Spalding, Carol S. Ph.D.: President, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, Salisbury, NC
Uzo-Okoro, Ezinne : Founder, Terraformers; Engineer, NASA; San Francisco Bay Area
Viederman, Stephen: Past President, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, New York, NY
Wood, Amelia: Administrative Assistant, Great Barrington Land Conservancy (GBLC)
Hong, Zhang: CEO, Circle Pleasure, Shanghai, China
Zhouying Jin: President, Beijing Academy of Soft Technology; Senior Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
Social Venture Capital
Bozesan, Dr. Mariana: President and Founder, AQAL Investing, Munich, Germany
Donohue, Mark: Emtreprenure Babson College, MA
Harris, Elizabeth: UNC Partners, Inc., Boston, MA
McGarvey, Matthew: Asian Markets Sustainability Analyst, USA and Vietnam
Parker,Nicholas: Co-founder & Chairman, CLEANTECH Venture Network LLC, Toronto, Canada
Silby, D. Wayne Esq.: President, Calvert Ventures, LLC, Founder, Syntao, Beijing and Calvert Social Investment Funds, Washington, DC
Soto, Radames: President, Kinina Ventures, Miami, FL
Tasch, Edward B. (Woody): Chairman, Slow Money, Nederland, CO
Valentine, Stuart: President, Centerpoint Investment Strategies, Fairfield, IA
Waddell, Steve: Lead Associate, Institute for Strategic Clarity, Boston, MA
Globalization/North-South Equity, Justice
Alegria, Rosa: President, Perspektiva Co., Sao Paulo, Brazil
Anderson, Joan: Senior Coordinator, Peace and Global Issues and Media Liaison, Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Buddhist Association, Japan
Bello, Prof. Walden: Co-Director, Focus on the Global South, Philippines
Bracho, Frank: Former Ambassador of Venezuela to India, Caracas, Venezuela
Brutoco, Rinaldo: President, World Business Academy, Santa Barbara, CA
Capra, Fritjof: Author The Systems View of Life and The Hidden Connections, Berkeley, CA – watch his video: Ecoliteracy and System Thinking
Carvalho Pinto, Christina: Pres., Full Jazz Advertising Agency, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dowbor, Ladislau professor, economist, author; Sao Paulo, Brasil
Corral, Thais: Director Sinha do Vale, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hopkins, Prof. Michael: Ph.D., CEO, MHC In’tl Ltd., author The Planetary Bargain: CSR Matters, London & Geneva
Jain, Devaki: Author Women Development and the UN, Bangalore, India
Khosla, Ashok: President, IUCN Council; CEO Development Alternatives, New Delhi, India Worlds to Dream About
McGoldrick, Annabel: Co-Director, Reporting the World, Sidney, Australia
Motomura Oscar: CEO, Amana-Key Desenvolvimento & Educacao Ltda, Saõ Paulol
Nelson, Jane: Harvard University, Kennedy Sch. Of Gov’t, author, Cambridge MA
Pettifor, Anne: Principal, Advocacy International, London
Sahtouris, Elisabet: Evolution biologist, author, Mallorca, Spain
Sardar, Ziauddin: Editor, FUTURES Elsevier, Ltd, London UK, East Meets West
Sukosd, Miklos Ph.D.: Dept. Political Science, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Jakob von Uexkull: Founder, World Future Council, World Future Council – About Us, Giving Future Generations a Voice
Van Dieren, Wouter: President, Institute for Environment & Systems Analysis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Yamamoto, Norio PhD: Exec. Vice President, Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation, Tokyo Japan
Yturbide, Susana Oseguera: Communications Internacionales, Mexico DF
Small, Medium-size Enterprise, Micro-finance /Community Development
Adamson, Rebecca: President, First Nations Development Inst. USA
Anderson, Brenda: Organizer, African Market at Fort Mose, Florida, USA
Anderson, Yul: Founder, African American Future Society; Founder and President, Yul Anderson Consulting, USA
Copisarow, Rosalind: Founder, Fundusz Mikro, Warsaw, Poland and London, UK
Franks, Lynne: CEO, Seed Fusion, Oxford, UK
Finser, Mark: Partner, RSF, San Francisco, CA
Giarini, Orio: Editor, “European Papers on the New Welfare-The Counter Ageing Society,” Geneva, Switzerland
Hadary, Sharon: Exec. Dir., Center for Women’s Business Research, Wash., DC
Kamsler, Victoria D.: Phil Politics, Oxford; Director of the Katerva Awards
Levine, David: Cofounder & Executive Director, American Sustainable Business Council, Washington, DC
Mollner, Terrence: Chair, Trusteeship Institute, Inc., Shutesbury, MA,
Walsh, Michaela: Founding President, Women’s World Banking, NY
Weeks, Julie: President, Womenable, Empire, MI