Global Day of Action for Climate Justice – 6 more weeks to COP26?

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Global Citizen, Latest Headlines

“Ethical Markets fully supports this innovative global initiative, the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty now gaining widespread support, with its impeccable background research and Letter to  Dr. Fatih Birol of the International Energy Agency signed by us and thousands of organizations, supporting the need to keep fossil reserves in the ground and move more rapidly to renewables.

Hazel Henderson, Editor“



In less than 6 weeks, world leaders will meet in Glasgow at COP26 to discuss our future. We already know that many groups and communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis will not be able to make it to Glasgow this November.

This means that it’s more important than ever to get organised so that our demands for climate justice are loud enough that they can’t be ignored.


Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

On 6th November, movements across the world are coming together to take action – from indigenous struggles to trade unions, from racial justice groups to youth strikers.

The Covid pandemic means that not everyone can travel to Glasgow. That is why on the 6th November, we’re calling for decentralised actions worldwide. Wherever you are in the world, you can help bring climate justice to COP26.


Find your Local Action for Climate Justice


When you find your local action, make sure to click ‘More Info’ and RSVP to be kept up to date.

Can’t find an action or local hub near you? We can help you organise one.

Help us build the movement by spreading the word far and wide – see template WhatsApp, email, social media text here.


Want to get involved but not sure where to start?


There are many ways you can get involved in our movement. We need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communities, schools, hospitals and across national borders.  Now is the time to join the fight.

Join us for our webinar to find out how you can get involved – from volunteering to mobilising, from local to international levels. We’ll discuss why and how we’re getting organised for COP, our plans for and before COP, and the different ways you can get stuck in.

Sun 26 Sep 4 – 6 PM BST – register here
Don’t worry if you can’t make the session. You can re-watch it here afterwards.




Latin America and Asia Coordination Meeting

We’re getting organised globally! We’re hosting Asia and Latin America regional meetings to share information about what is planned and to explore the possibilities of organising actions globally on Nov 6.

Asia Coordination Meeting – Date: 29 Sept 7:30 AM UTC – register here
Latin America Coordination Meeting – Date: 4 Oct 2021 5:00 PM GMT+1 – Zoom link

Africa Coordination Meeting coming soon!


UK Local Hubs Meeting

We’re inviting representatives from all the COP26 Coalition Local Hubs to an organising meeting ahead of the Global Day of Action on Nov 6th. We want to hear how plans are developing across the country, what extra support is needed, and enable Local Hubs to share experiences and resources. Open to all activists currently mobilising in their local areas for Nov 6.

Wed 29 Sep 7pm – 8pm BST – Zoom link



Our movement can only grow because of our amazing volunteers!

It’s not too late to play a key role in the movement that brings climate justice to COP26. From logistics to graphics to mobilisations – wherever you are in the world, there are many ways you can support the movement both now and during COP.


Homestay Network

Do you live in the central belt of Scotland and have an open floor, sofa or room? Share your home with Indigenous leaders and visiting activists coming to COP26.

Find out more and become a host.


Other events

Glasgow Local Social

If you’re in Glasgow, join local organisers for a social, to get to know the Coalition, local campaigners supporting our efforts in the city, and have a peek into one of our venues for the People’s Summit.

Wed 29 Sep 5pm BST, Saramago Cafe, Centre for Contemporary Arts


Local hub and regional meetings

Local areas are getting organised! Find more events in our Coalition calendar or contact your local hub to find out about local events.