Why the Future of Batteries is Lithium and Why Their Impact Will Be Bigger Than You Think – The Energy Collective

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

Why the Future of Batteries is Lithium and Why Their Impact Will Be Bigger Than You Think

The tremendous advances being made in lithium battery technology are being underestimated by many people, writes financial energy specialist Gerard Reid. Competitive EVs are just a few years away. They will be followed by radical improvements that will have huge implications for air and ship transport as well. Courtesy Energy and Carbon blog.

I constantly hear from people that batteries are just not good enough; that they are too expensive, that they cannot hold enough energy, that they take too long to charge. In a nutshell, that they can never replace oil to power the automobile or be used alongside solar panels to power our everyday home needs.

The interesting thing is that I agree with all these criticisms. However, I am also clear that these challenges will be solved in the coming years thanks to the usage of new chemistries and materials as well as intense competition between battery manufacturers. I am also convinced that better batteries will lead to the electrification of not just cars but also trucks, busses and increasingly air and sea transport.

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