Welcome to the first issue of Co-op Weekly!

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News, Sustainability News


January 04, 2017

Welcome to the first issue of Co-op Weekly!
Welcome to the first issue of Co-op Weekly—news, events and features published by the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International and delivered to your inbox every Tuesday.

You’re receiving this email because you previously subscribed to CBJ Online. In 2017, that publication is returning to its roots—a quarterly Cooperative Business Journal with an emphasis on thought leadership, scholarly research and opinion pieces. You’ll continue to receive the cooperative news, events and features you’ve come to expect from CBJ Online in Co-op Weekly.

Readers interested in in-depth analysis and cutting-edge research within the cooperative space will have a chance to subscribe to the Journal in the coming weeks. Our first issue is scheduled for the end of March 2017. The Journal will appear quarterly in a digital magazine format.

Madagascar wild pepper is about to change recipes forever, and one co-op is forming to make sure it’s sustainable
Tsiperifery pepper [photo: BBC]Everyone knows black pepper. It’s ubiquitous on tables and in recipes around the world. But there’s a wild pepper in Madagascar that might change “black pepper” forever.
How water became this Senegal businesswoman’s most popular product
Tucked in the corner of Aissata Thilogme’s small store is her best-selling product—clean water. Not bottles, but bags and bags of filtered water for a fraction of the cost.
First census of worker co-ops in U.S. planned for early 2017
Beginning in January 2017, the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives and the Democracy at Work Institute—in partnership with researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison—will conduct the first national study of worker co-ops from the perspective of worker-owners.
Help get cacao cooperatives up and running again in Ecuador
If you’ve enjoyed one of Equal Exchange’s Ecuador Organic Dark Chocolate bars, you appreciate cooperative chocolate. Fortaleza del Valle, one of the cocoa bean suppliers for the bar, suffered significant property damage during last year’s 7.8-magnitude earthquake.
NAFCU has new name effective January 1, 2017
The National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU) will operate under a new name as of January 1, 2017—the National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions—to reflect that all the association’s federally-insured members now have full voting rights …