Technological, Social and Environmental Development – Why We Should All Connect for Good
By Vivian Soares
A new type of social morals has risen on the Internet and beyond. It says that real “sharing” does not stop at posting personal opinions and sel?es on social media, but that it can be the most powerful catalyst for change. Our 21st Century Global Village should be seen through the lens of clean energy, smart cities, business ethics, fair trade and inclusive economy. Backing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Horyou, the social network for social good, believes that 1.2 billion people living under the extreme poverty line is clear indication that the world is in a vital need for both innovation and solidarity. One of the answers lies in the creation of a new and inclusive culture, where social innovation and global ethics work together for a better tomorrow. Aiming to spread this philosophy, Horyou promotes an annual event, SIGEF – Social Innovation and Global Ethics Forum, where organizations, public and private sectors and global citizens gather to discuss social good projects and strategies. This year, SIGEF will take place from 9-11 November, in Marrakech, Morocco, as a side event of the UN COP22. It is a fortunate union of interests – our internationally renowned speakers will address the same world’s biggest climate conference audience. Being under this banner is also a big responsibility; for this reason, Horyou will give visibility to initiatives and discussions that resonate with the Sustainable Development Goals. On its agenda are plenary sessions, panels, cultural activities, networking events and interviews that will take place during the 3 days. Apart from covering environmental challenges such as access to water and energy, waste management and farming, SIGEF will also address important development issues for the African continent, such as entrepreneurship, impact investment and innovation. This approach responds to a new praxis that promotes “entrepreneurship by the people for the people, everywhere” and impact investment as opposed to only-for-pro?t business ventures. “It’s an unstoppable world-changing movement that we bear witness to and have opted to take head on, promote and the Social Network for Social advance”, says Yonathan Parienti, founder of Horyou and former global ?nance executive. In this scenario, one of Horyou’s innovative solutions is Spotlight, the ?rst global social currency for economic inclusion. Spotlight supports NGOs, innovative projects and social good actions through Horyou’s platform, by circulating and redistributing funds among its members. By addressing some of the biggest challenges of capitalism – the inequality caused by unfair capital distribution and speculation -, it builds social impact in promoting meaningful and purposeful circulation of money.
Spotlight, SIGEF and the many projects Horyou develops and supports everyday are the innovative solutions our society needs to truly “connect for good”. In a world where environmental and social challenges are the biggest concern, inspiration, creative disruption and collaboration are some of the tools we, as global citizens, must use to build a better tomorrow. Horyou believes that we are now taking the ?rst steps to a more inclusive society – whereby each one of us can instantly inform and be informed, inspire and be inspired, plan and act, connect and share for social good.
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