Photos from left to right: Oracle Spring Building Site with Sabine Lichtenfels, Summer University in Tamera, Evening Light over Lake One
The world looks to the FIFA World Cup in Brazil but many football fans can no longer enjoy the games with good conscience. Too much suffering and reckless violence was connected with the preparation and while people jubilate in the stadiums, mass protests outside are brutally cracked down on. The big losers of the World Cup are the hundreds of thousands of people that were driven out and whose houses were demolished so that new stadiums could be built, and the street children imprisoned in “educational camps.” But the massive scale and determination of the resistance also gives us courage. If the many people who are now protesting against the cold power of globalization get to know a positive goal, the revolution can be won. Instead of repeating the mistakes of capitalism, Brazil, as a rising threshold country, could pioneer a different form of development – one that protects nature and life. Read the statement by the Terra Nova Movement about the FIFA World Cup: http://terranovavoice.tamera.
News from Tamera 20th International Summer University: “Terra Nova – Global Alliance for the Healing of the Earth” August 1-10th 2014 The Summer University is a 10-day think-tank for building a global movement of hope, the Terra Nova movement. In times where the evolution approaches its climax and humanity is heading toward a global catastrophe, alternatives need to become known. We now need engaged men and women to join powers to spread information about a new culture in a creative and vital way all over the world. The Summer University is an intense community experience and a space for strategic planning and creative work. We invite all those that want to collaborate in the realization of a great goal – a future without war. In various groups we want to develop answers to the core topics of a new movement. · Activism, Networking, and Humanizing Money – For activists, those working in media, journalists, filmmakers, publishers, Internet and social media specialists. · Youth 14+ are invited to join this group under the guidance of youth from Tamera · Music for a Free Earth – Music is a universal language of humanity. This group develops and rehearses music that can give rhythm, melody, and words to the global movement. · Theatre of Freedom – Theatre is a valued medium for building consciousness and conveying information. The group will choose inspiring excerpts and transform them into ad hoc theatre pieces. · Gospel and Art – With these two elements the group will create a space of experience for a different life and a new power of peace. It is also about political art for conveying information. · Autonomy in Water, Energy and Food – We experience very practical ecological and technological knowledge that can liberate us from the dependency on globalization. We especially invite specialists in the areas of technology, ecology, engineering and craftsmen. · Service for Change – This is a special group for people that want to use the Summer University to clarify individual questions and make personal decisions in life and who want to be in service for the community for this purpose. · Children 6–13 years old will be offered an exciting program parallel to the events of the Summer University under the guidance of young adults and older children from the “Place of the Children.” As special guest we will have Starhawk, ecofeminist, permaculture teacher and author from San Fransisco, for two days. For more on the Summer University 2014:
Terra Nova Voice: Since fall 2013 Tamera’s Institute for Global Peace Work runs a blog with interviews, reports and political statements to current world events. Issues like global justice, raising free children, nonviolence and healing through trust are being looked at from the perspective of a Healing Biotope. Various writers are raising their voice. A kind of magazine for global consciousness arises, a voice for the new planetary community. If you register here you will receive a weekly newsletter with the current texts: http://terranovavoice.tamera. Wanted: Craftsmen, Technologists and IT Professionals: If you are a specialist in one of these fields and want to support Tamera, we invite you to become part of a network of supporters for our project. This means that you visit Tamera annually and actively help in the work, or that you even can imagine joining Tamera. In both cases the best entrance would be either participating in the Summer University or in the Seminar about love, sexuality and partnership in September. These are the core topics of our project and therefore the basis of our work. One group of the seminar will be especially dedicated for such specialists. For more: Spiritual Building Site: We currently have a special construction time. Before we celebrate the coming 20th anniversary of Tamera, we want to give the sacred power places here a suitable design. A stone trio was placed at the dam of the South Lake to strengthen its role as a power place. The Oracle Place has a special role in Tamera. The decision to establish the Healing Biotope I here 20 years ago was made when visiting the spring at the Oracle Source. The word ‘Tamera’ meant ‘at the original source’ or the ‘land of water’ in ancient Egyptian. We now give a new design to this spring that shall serve as an expression of a peace culture. Headed by Sabine Lichtenfels and Thomas Lüdert the implementers include all living beings, visible and invisible. The work becomes a Council of All Beings. SolarVillage TestField, Water Retention Landscape Education and Development Aid of a New Kind: The Tamera TestField I is intended as a place to bring together the best and most sustainable solutions for global questions in the fields of water management, energy supply, food production and architecture in a model settlement. The individual modules are assembled so that the whole system is a blueprint for a cohabitation structure, which is based on cooperation with all living beings and which promotes a communitarian life. In this way, we hope that decentralized solutions can be implemented in disaster areas of the world. Then aid means setting up a new structure so that autonomy arises – and is not further expanding the errors system and deepening dependency. Biogas systems, compost toilets, constructed wetlands, solar cookers, permaculture gardens, urban gardening, Water Retention Landscapes, earthquake-resistant multi-zone architecture, solar solutions by Jürgen Kleinwächter and other elements can be built inexpensively in almost all regions of the world. In addition, they can regenerate the landscape in a relatively short time while bringing people together and giving them the opportunity for regional self-sufficiency in water, food and energy. Real sustainability also needs social knowledge, which we’ve been researching for decades in Tamera. Some experienced aid workers, technologists and ecologists will gather in Tamera from July 11-14th to further develop the concept of the SolarVillage TestField and its global mission. Water Retention Landscapes Education: Natural water management is always the first step to the development of an ecological model of cohabitation. Based on the existing Water Retention Landscape in Tamera, we offer a special training seminar in August: For the Campus: We are looking for professional chefs for our kitchens as well as other volunteers, both for during the Summer University and beyond. Please register at: office(at) Translators and Proofreaders Requested: for English, Portuguese, German, Spanish and other languages. If you would like to support the work of Tamera in this way please notify us: igp(at) Searching for Craftsmen to Build our School: The Escola da Esperança invites artisans to complete our preliminary school building and its interior design. Mainly carpenters and electricians are needed. You will be embedded in the Escola da Esperança team and in the “A Votre Service” group of volunteers, which help in various places in Tamera. News from the Network – Journeys and Conferences GEN Conference: From July 9-13th the GEN Europe Conference will be held in ZEGG in Germany. Vera Kleinhammes, Momo-Jana Mohaupt, Aida Shibli and other Tamera co-workers will be there, as well as representatives from all over Europe. For more: Benjamin von Mendelssohn (Tamera government/Grace Foundation), will travel on the US West Coast this July to raise awareness and funds for the work of Tamera and the Plan of the Healing Biotopes. He will be in the LA area July 10th-15th, near Santa Cruz around July 16th, at the Hollyhock Summer Gathering from July 18th-23rd, in Victoria and Seattle 24th-26th. For requests, suggestions who to network with and more, please contact: Johannes Ewig johannes.ewig(at) Eden Symposium: Martin Winiecki and Saskia Breithardt will participate in the symposium “Wir sind schon da – Gruß aus Eden” in Nuertingen, Germany from August 22-24th. They will give speeches and a workshop there. We invite all Terra Nova School participants in southern Germany to participate in the symposium and use it as a meeting point. For further details: Philip Munyasia, the founder of OTEPIC in Kenya, a project for food autonomy and self-empowerment in the slum, and a good friend of Tamera, will be touring through Germany in September. He will present the strong development of his project in many cities. Whoever is able to organize an event for him in his or her city can please contact Leila Dregger: leila.dregger(at)
Please read and watch more news about Tamera and its projects on our new We greet all our friends in the world!