The Next Big Thing in Crowdfunding

Jay OwenCrowdfunding

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The Next Big Thing in Crowdfunding


TSL Publications




Crowdfunding: A Tectonic Shift in Real Estate Investing (NuWire Investor)


With the democratization of financing via different means, most prominent would be the US Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012, this industry is now opening up to include not just accredited investors but also non-accredited investors. Common folks that have a spare $1000 or even $100 can now play in the big league through crowdfunding. 06/03/2014. Read More.



On the Rise: The Next Moguls Like Donald Trump Will Come from the Crowd – But They Will Not Be Crowdfunding (


Direct Public Offering, also known as Regulation A+, is poised to significantly bring down the cost of raising capital for businesses in the US when it becomes legal. And when it does, it could overshadow even its more popular regulatory sibling under the JOBS Act – Crowdfunding. 05/08/2014. Read More.



GROUNDFLOOR Launches Landmark Real Estate Offering (Times Realty News)


GroundFloor, a peer-to-peer real estate lending platform, is launching a landmark securities offering that enables crowdfunding of real estate transactions. This innovative move will allow approximately 43 million Americans in six states to invest in real estate in a way that wasn’t possible until now.       05/05/2014.Read More


“Crowdfunding platforms for real estate provide, to some extent, access, simplicity and precision – things that are hard to get by in traditional real estate.” – David Drake CEO & founder of The Soho Loft (On the April 24, 2014 Global Real Estate Crowdfunding Conference II)





Comprehensive Report on Top 10 Leading Realty Crowdfunding Firms (TimesRealtyNews)


TimesRealtyNews, the only publication for the emerging real estate crowdfunding industry, in cooperation with TSL, Victoria Global, and Alessandro & Lerro Partners, brought together a comprehensive in-depth research and insight on leading real estate crowdfunding firms .Order here.


Mega Trends:  Realty offline goes online via crowd funding: $1 billion to be closed 2014 – see



David Drake Live with CrowdFundBeat (CrowdFundBeat)


Devin Thorpe interviews David Drake for a live discussion about crowdfunding. David Drake is a prominent figure in the crowdfunding world. As the leader of The Soho Loft Media Group he leads conferences around the world, many of which feature capital raising and crowdfunding. 05/14/2014.  Watch here. Other podcasts can be foundhere.



Planet Entrepreneur: The World Entrepreneurship Forum’s First Book (TSL)


The World Entrepreneurship Forum is proud to present its first book, “Planet Entrepreneur: Guide to Business Success Around the World.” This book was written in partnership with, among others, David Drake, Founder and Chairman of The Soho Loft.Read more here andhere.


TSL Passion Projects


Rediscovering Tesla


TSL is excited to work with the family ofNicola Tesla (1856 – 1943) as we celebrate his birthday globally on July 10, 2014. Tesla was a Serbian-born and later naturalized American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Join ourFacebook Group and “like” ourFacebook Page.


TSL Announcements


Advertise to U.S. Investors Today


TSL, in compliance with SEC regulations, is looking to help 2 firms and 2 funds reach the 8.99 million households with a $1 million net worth. Last year 268,000 accredited investors raised $22.9 billion. TSL Media is here to help you reach the remaining 97% of accredited investors. Contact us now.

Business and Finance Writers and Bloggers


Here at The Soho Loft, we welcome writers and bloggers who would like to be our guest contributors. Send us a copy of your articles for review and approval. Do let let us know also how and why you are an expert on the topic, and send us links to published samples of your work. Email us at [email protected].

Article Syndication for Crowdfunding Campaigns


We accept syndication of PRs and blog articles for crowdfunding campaigns. Send us a copy of your articles for review and approval. Email us at [email protected].


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TSL Events

Real Estate and Natural Resources (Energy, Oil & Gas, Metals and Minerals) Family Office and Crowd Investing Conference I

¤June 19, 2014  (Thursday)Newport Beach, CA

Meet the leading real estate and natural resources (energy, oil & gas, metals and minerals) crowdfunding players and family offices as they talk about their amazing growth in their specific  industries.

Global Real Estate Crowdfunding Conference III

¤July 17, 2014  (Thursday)San Francisco, CA


This is not your standard real estate conference. This is an opportunity to meet and chat directly with real estate investors. This is the chance to see the leading crowdfunding realty players talk about their amazing growth in the industry and Forbes’ top 10 crowdfunders in realty.

TSL Sponsors EPIC (Expo for Property Investment & Crowdfunding) Asia 2014

¤July 18-19, 2014  (Friday-Saturday)Marina Bay Financial Center, Singapore

Learn about deals in the UK that pays 8-10% return per year directly from the developer. CoAssets is a dynamic real estate opportunity platform in South East Asia.


On the Global Real Estate Crowdfunding Conference II :”Crowdfunding platforms for real estate allows even non-accredited investors to invest directly in their local community or city … To a great extent, this has impacted several neighborhoods as people built places they cared about through public ownership.”- David Drake, founder and chairman of The Soho Loft

Other Alternative Investment Events


If you can’t make it to the above events, here are more of our events that you might be interested in:


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Early-Stage Equity and Related News




US Private Equity Firms Increase Buying in Europe (eFinancialNews)


Private equity firms and trade players in the US are increasingly looking to buy European mid-market businesses as they face a saturated deal market at home and seek value elsewhere. 05/26/2014 – Read More


“Carlton sees some of the best transactions in the marketplace and wants to provide the best opportunities for accredited investors that the average real estate investor would not otherwise be able to invest in.” -Kevin Swill, Chief Operating Officer, Carlton Group




Crowdfunding Startups Thrive in the U.K., Where Anyone Can Play Angel Investor  (BusinessWeek)


SyndicateRoom allows individuals to invest alongside experienced investors in funding a fledgling business, bringing, if not the wisdom of crowds, at least the funding power of the masses to angel investing.  05/27/2014. – Read More



Financial watchdog says entire system needs to be regulated, venture capital funds included (ActMedia)

The entire financial system needs to be regulated, including the venture capital funds which control and invest hundreds of billions of euros, first vice president of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) Daniel Daianu told a recent debate organized by the Association of Chartered Financial Analysts CFA Romania, referring to the global financial markets. 05/26/14  Read More



Exclusive Hedge Funds Crack Open Door to Main Street (Wall Street Journal)


As a $14.8 billion hedge fund with a reputation for savvy mortgage trades and a record of double-digit returns, Pine River Capital Management has long signed up multi-billion-dollar pension and sovereign wealth funds as investors. 05/26/14  Read More


On the Global Real Estate Crowdfunding Conference II:”The emergence of crowdfunding platforms promise to broaden real estate financing from the participation of an elite few to members of a community that will have a voice in supporting and investing in development projects that directly affect their community .  –Lita Dwight, Senior Vice President of Sterling Green Corp. and Director of Legal Services for Victoria Global




Startups See Goldmine in Burst of Net Domains (BizJournals)


The new names, called generic top-level domains (gTLDs), might seem like they were created overnight. But seven years of international discussion and debate, and billions of dollars of investment are pushing these and hundreds of other new names into the market this year and next.  05/26/2014. Read More


Three Crowdfunding Trends Entrepreneurs Shouldn’t Ignore (Forbes)

Those of you familiar with the word “crowdfunding” know it’s quickly evolving into an industry itself. In fact, crowdfunding is predicted to create at least 270,000 jobs and inject $65 billion into the economy by 2014’s end. 05/27/2014. Read More


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