ExxonMobil’s climate change risk | SAP aims for 100% renewable energy

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News


Sustainable Business Email Header


26 March 2014
















In the news






Exxon Mobil responds to investor concerns
Company bows to pressure to report on preparations for climate regulation, but could this just be the start?





Oil workers



sap joins companies targeting 100% green power
As its carbon emissions grow, the software giant is buying renewable-energy credits











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3D printers create a blueprint for future of design
Chat Reynders: Cars and food are the next generation of 3D printed materials to breach the horizon








Why loaning money to strangers makes sense
Lenddo’s Jeff Stewart uses software to cut the risk of making microloans on the internet








The journey of an aid worker in a global corp
Disillusioned with the waste in the aid system, one charity worker joined Unilever to learn skills to take back








Is ‘made in the USA’ really more sustainable?
Domestic manufacturing is often seen as socially and environmentally better but is it, asks D G McCullough











Get involved






What makes you happy at work?
We ask you about happiness in the workplace. What advice can you share about staying happy?











What you said…






Our interactive and content on the impact of your smartphone created a buzz on Twitter. Here’s what you had to on the matter:




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From @nich769: “Great new interactive to bring to life positive & negative #impacts of our #smartphone”




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From @rebecca_g: “Dirty reading: Sheep w/ two rows of teeth = consequences of rare earth mining in China:”




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From @ALPH3R1: “WOW unbelievable. That is just harsh very very sad. I don’t understand why they can’t just be fair?”






What’s next






Model Behavior: 20 Business Model Innovations for Sustainability
An informal breakfast roundtable to discuss business model innovation for sustainability, how it works and what the new models disrupting the industry are.
27 March, 8am-10am (ET), New York



World Economic Forum on Latin America
World leaders will discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the region under the theme: Delivering growth, strengthening societies.
23 – 25 April, Lima, Peru






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