Convergent Globalisation for Sustainability

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Sustainability News

Convergent Globalisation for Sustainability

January 31st 2014, 9.30am – 4.30pm
The Create Centre, Bristol

Interested in bringing together environment and development agendas?

Think there is a need for considering social inequity at the same time as protecting the environment?

Want to have your say on these issues?

Join us to explore the outcomes from our EU funded project Converge, which was designed to ‘re-think globalisation in light of planetary limits.’

Buy tickets here. Programme for the event is here.

So what is Converge?

This four-year project explored two of our world’s most pressing issues – environmental destruction and social inequity – and the relationships between them. In order to tackle these problems, our research has sought a globalisation that considers the planet and all members of current and future generations.

This has led to the development of the framework of ‘convergent globalisation’; a process of moving towards similar levels of development for all people but within limitations of planetary boundaries and finite resources. This reconciles the desire to conserve resources, protect the environment and stay within planetary boundaries with the need to see economic and social development happen – narrowing inequalities across and within nations.

Visit to see the range of freely available resources.

What is the event about?

We have finished the reporting process and now we want to hear your thoughts on the project. We are keen to implement our findings and determine our next steps for putting Convergence Globalisation into practice. We will share with you the information and  practical examples we have discovered in our research and invite you to help us come up with ways forward.

We would then like you, as an individual or as part of an organisation, to get involved in this work by joining our Convergence Alliance – an association of organisations that commit to campaign and advocate for convergence ideas.

NB: Ticket prices include tea and coffee in the morning and the afternoon but do not include lunch. Lunch will be available at a reasonable price from the Create Cafe. 

If financial constraints are preventing you from attending, please contact us. 

Contact: Emmelie Brownlee (

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