November 1st is the big day when Wayne, from Snyder Printer, backs up his truck to the door to deliver the new Fall-Winter 2013 issue of Kosmos Journal. It’s an exciting time for us as we open each box to see and feel the final result of several months of work with some of the leaders of our future civilization. “Cutting Edge Law, Justice, Power and Peace” is what we called it. We learned so much ourselves about how lawyers and social justice activists are rising up to change a legal and justice system that no longer works—and to create a new one that does.
There is much more in this issue that will surprise you and offer hope that we are awakening to our responsibilities to create a new world in every field of endeavor. We are also aware of the obstacles that can keep us from moving ahead.
As always you will delight in the beauty of our stunning visuals. Jorge Torres will introduce you to Photo Tao, a compelling new art form that combines inner and outer realities—a rare achievement.
Take a look at the Table of Contents for Kosmos Fall-Winter 2013 and subscribe today. People tell us that by holding Kosmos in their hands they can feel the love and wisdom that goes into its creation. It is a collectible.
Warm wishes,
Dozens of us hand-carry Kosmos to grassroots and high-level organizations, bringing hope for a new future that works for all. A report from one of our Global Ambassadors included sending it to 15 friends, to ambassadors in China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, to a library, placing it in a café, giving it to think tanks, lending it to colleagues and more.
Won’t you join us? Become a part of a great humanitarian effort. We are looking for Global Ambassadors in every one of the 192 countries that visit our website.
Tara Stuart and Nancy Roof will be flying to Johannesburg next week to the “Building a Global Citizens Movement” invitational conference. The global group of activist leaders believes that beyond all differences, we share the same vision: the transformation of the current world order based on money, markets and exclusion to a system that puts people and planet first. We explore what unites us, what we can learn from each other and what we can do together to raise the voices of the people facing a powerful global elite. Over a two-year process, we will discover the potential of people-power to transform the world to a freer, more just and sustainable place.
We will be reporting on this conference later in November.
This article by Parag Khanna has caused quite a stir. We think it is worth looking at. He informs us, “…though most of us might not realize it, “nonstate world” describes much of how global society already operates. This isn’t to say that states have disappeared, or will. But they are becoming just one form of governance among many. A quick scan across the world reveals that where growth and innovation have been most successful, a hybrid public-private, domestic-foreign nexus lies beneath the miracle. These aren’t states; they’re “para-states” — or, in one common parlance, “special economic zones.””
From the next issue of Kosmos Journal | Fall-Winter 2013
“The world we live in is a whole and so, of course, are we—individually and collectively. So are every environment and situation we face. When we act as if we and they are separate from each other, wholeness creates ‘side effects’ that can be undesirable and ultimately catastrophic. On the other hand, when our exercise of power is in harmony with the reality of wholeness, wholeness evolves in harmony with us, including and supporting us. This conscious participation in co-created power of, by, and for the whole—this wholesome power—is key to creating the kind of lives and societies that are an ongoing delight to belong in.”
From the next issue of Kosmos Journal | Fall-Winter 2013
By Alain Ruche (Kosmos Global Ambassador)
“If governance is the art of governing, then it is clear that governance is in crisis, at every level. The level at which governance is most often conceived—the nation state—is simply unworkable. International organizations lack legitimacy, are stuck by vested interests and are ruled by the majority. Nobody believes anymore in reforming the UN Security Council. What is striking is that most of the pillars of our society are under stress: family, trade unions, enterprises, political parties, universities, religion and the like.”
According to Colin Crouch, author of Post Democracy, “At some point shortly after the end of the Second World War, democracy reached its apex in countries such as Britain and the US…it has been declining ever since… The formal structures of democracy remain intact. People still vote. Political parties vie with each other in elections, and circulate in and out of government. Yet these acts of apparent choice have had their meaning hollowed out. The real decisions are taken elsewhere. We have become squatters in the ruins of the great democratic societies of the past.”
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Kosmos Journal is a non-profit, private foundation that informs, inspires, engages and connects individuals and organizations working to create a sustainable, equitable, just and compassionate new world civilization.